Smithmoor Mental Management Class

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Smithmoor Mental Management Class

Post by jackrabbit »


We are being presented with a rather unique opportunity here at Smithmoor. Steve Anderson has worked extra hard to possibly put this together and a giant thank you goes out to him for heading it up. Steve has coordinated with a Lanny Bassham's Mental Management team member to come to Smithmoor and put on a class for us. Many of you have heard me squawking about developing a mental process and have heard of Lanny Bassham and his book "With Winning in Mind." If you haven't, you need to find it and read it. It was probably the single biggest key in my shooting career in going from a good shooter in practice to one that can be the match winner occasionally. Lanny Bassham's whole story is interesting, but today he runs a company that helps people perform. Although it is based on shooting, many top athletes, executives, and actors, as well as thousands of regular joes use his system. To say the least, he is in demand and getting direct access to him or his people is not the easiest. If you or someone you know has any interest in improving their shooting skills, or using the mental management technique for other disciplines, I encourage you to think about attending this class on March 2nd. We have to guarantee him a set amount of money, so at this point we are gauging interest. Please let us know if you would be willing to attend so we can decide to book him or not. The cost for the weekend will probably be $300 to $350 depending on how many students attend. We will provide lunch and hopefully will be able to work in some shooting. We are thinking to try and hold a bit of a match on Sunday with the presenter around to critique and give tips. As the plan comes together, we will let you know. Also, if we are going to do this, we need to book him this week, so please let either me or Steve know asap so we can decide what to do.

I can assure you everyone will get something out of the class. Whether you are a band new shooter, an old hand, or anywhere in between you will benefit.

Thank you all for your consideration, Cody

Below is from our friend Steve Anderson:

Some key thoughts.

We all agree that shooting is some percentage a mental process. Quite often we hear 90% mental. Perhaps it is, perhaps not. It is certainly a big part of the game we all love. A famous baseball player is quoted as saying that baseball is 90% mental and the other half physical. That might be accurate. The days I’m on my game are the days that I’m thinking about the shot. Especially the offhand shots. The times that outside the game thoughts are in the back of my mind are my worst days. Are you the guy that shoots best at home or when you’re just practicing? Or are you the guy that shoots best at a match?

Where is all this headed you may be wondering? Well the book “With Winning in Mind” by Lanny Bassham is fairly well known in our shooting world. Lanny is a former National and Olympic Champion. He has an accredited instructor by the name of Steve Anderson. NO it’s not me, Steve Anderson the Wyoming Sight Drifter guy. Coincidentally he has the same name as I do. This one is a top level pistol competitor. He can be found on YouTube and has books of his own out there. Well, we have the opportunity to have Steve Anderson come and teach the Mental Management System to us right here in Carpenter. Will this course cause us to jump a couple points or more in our score? Probably not overnight, but applied and given some time it will certainly improve our ability to shoot.

This can happen on March 2, at Smithmoor east. His fee for 6 hours of instruction and a “match” to follow on the next day will be $300-$350 dollars total. The actual fee will depend on how many students attend the course. The more shooters the less the expense. We need to guarantee him a certain number of students and amount of money to cover his trip expenses like airlines, lodging and so forth. It’s not a small price. It is however small if put in the proper context. Like, how much would you spend to shoot better? To improve your personal scores? To handle the stress of the clock, and so on? The total scores of any of the matches is separated by maybe a single point. So if you could only improve one or two points it could be the difference between winning and going home not winning.

So, if this is something you would be willing to attend we need to know fairly soon. We don’t need your money just yet but will in the next few weeks. Think of this as so much cheaper than a new rifle or new rifle scope. New wood on your rifle would cost this much or more!

The class will be limited in size so don’t be disappointed and sign up now. As this develops we’ll be asking for your money and putting this all together. Team Smithmoor is already a force at other matches but you and we could really shine here!

Any questions or comments can be directed to me, Steve Anderson at 307-421-2127 or

Thank you!!
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Re: Smithmoor Mental Management Class

Post by JonnyV »

So you're thinking Saturday class time and Sunday shooting match? If a guy was coming from out of state, he'd fly in to Denver Friday and fly out Sunday night or Monday morning? Probably need a hundred rounds or so?
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Re: Smithmoor Mental Management Class

Post by jackrabbit »

Yep! That would be awesome if you want to come. We will do the match with 22's for a couple of reasons. First, the mental management part is all the same whether we are shooting big bore or 22's and it will be a lot easier to communicate on the line while people are firing with 22's. Also, that time of year the weather can be rough and there would be no way to shoot a big bore match. We can, however, shoot a 22 BPCR match at our facilities in nearly any weather condition.

Let me know how I can help come. We can probably find rides from the airport, you can borrow rifles, whatever you need.
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Re: Smithmoor Mental Management Class

Post by stevewhr »

We have 18 signed up so far. The size of our heated shooting house will dictate where we shut off the number of attendees . For that reason speak up now to reserve your spot! Hope you can make it. Steve
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Re: Smithmoor Mental Management Class

Post by jackrabbit »

Mental Management Workshop
March 2-3, 2024

Range East Smithmoor Range, 291 County Rd 152, Carpenter, WY 82054

Schedule Show up about 8-8:30 and we’ll start about 9.
Saturday- 6 hours of instruction class time.
Sunday- practice match with instruction from Mental Management Coach

Fees $300.00 per entry includes lunches.

Lunch Will be provided both days

Rifles Allowed Appropriate 22 rifle

Current Sponsors Wyoming Sight Drifter

Entries Entry is made by sending the registration form and money, due by Feb 20th. Late entry fee will be $25.00 extra

Mental Management Workshop with Coach Steve Anderson
Steve Anderson is a USPSA Grand Master and teaches competition pistol shooting full time. He is the author of three books about competition pistol shooting and does a podcast, “That Shooting Show” which is heard daily all around the world. Steve got an appreciation for the Mental Game early in his competition career and now devotes himself to helping others avoid years of struggle as they learn to shoot and compete. As a Mental Management certified instructor, Steve has a unique ability to make a direct connection between Mental Management and all forms of handgun competition, particularly USPSA, IPSC, IDPA and Steel Challenge. He can be reached via his website, or by email at

Mental Management Workshop
March 2-3, 2024
Registration Form


Phone #:_____________________________Email Address:________________________________

Current Shooting Classification: ___________________________________________________

Things you would like to learn from the class: ___________________________

$300.00 entry fee

Please make Checks payable to:
Smithmoor Range
291 County Rd 152
Carpenter, WY 82054

Here at Smithmoor Range, we are committed to providing a family atmosphere for our shooters and their families. Anyone, any age is welcome on the range whether shooting or not. We just ask that everyone be respectful of those shooting by keeping conversation back from the firing line and quiet while firing is occurring. Also, one of the greatest pleasures of being involved in BPCR shooting is the camaraderie of such a polite, courteous, and respectful bunch of good people. Please help us to continue this tradition by being mindful of the children and ladies through refraining from rough language, off color jokes, and excessive alcohol use in their presence.
Thank you for your cooperation, The Gary and Cody Smith Families

Range Location: 291 County Rd 152. Carpenter, WY 82054
I-80 East of Cheyenne to Exit 386, Carpenter Highway 214
Turn South, onto Carpenter Hwy, drive about 8 miles
Follow the highway as it turns East
Drive about 2 miles
Leave the highway as it curves south and continue driving east, onto the dirt road (County Rd 203)
Drive about one and a half miles
Turn south (right) onto County Road 152
Shooting range is just past the second place on the left.

Camping is available at the West Range for $10/night, includes electricity and water usage or dry camping is available for no charge.

Hotels and Restaurants
It is about 35 miles or 40 minutes to the main business district in Cheyenne where most of the best restaurants are located. There is a wide variety including most major chains such as Red Lobster, Texas Roadhouse, Olive Garden, etc. There are many hotels in Cheyenne, including one newer one only 23 miles up scenic Campstool road.
The small town of Pine Bluffs is also 27 miles away via oil road and offers a couple of fuel stations and a few restaurants. If you are planning on staying in a hotel- we do have some discount cards for the Cobblestone Hotel in Pine Bluffs, WY. BOOK15 if booking online at or just reference the card when calling them directly at 1-888-693-8262.

Please call Cody Smith at 307-630-6816 or email at

Thank you and we look forward to seeing you!
Posts: 1791
Joined: Mon Jul 23, 2012 12:04 pm
Location: Carpenter Wyoming

Re: Smithmoor Mental Management Class

Post by jackrabbit »

You can send me an email if you like, and I will email you a copy of the entry form that is easy to print out.
Thank you!
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