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Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2003 8:37 pm
by Timberlake
Its not a "Powerstroke" its a "Powerjoke", compared to the Cummins that is!


Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2003 8:42 pm
by hepboy
Maybe for targets the Ford guys could shoot the Dodge hubcaps, and the Dodge guys could shoot the Ford hubcaps? Don't know what the Chevy guys could use, maybe a Toyota?

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2003 10:40 pm
by Omaha Poke
Maybe we should change the name of this forum to the truck forum, and forget about trying to learn about Black Powder shooting. :D

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2003 11:40 pm
by Gunny

You know I said I as not going to post any negatives here on the Shiloh Site. I am going to try my best not to do that, but it is going to be hard. This topic has wandered a little off, however it still is about a black powder match to some extent so it hasn't gotten completely off topic. Now has it? Guy's like you are sadly a constant in life, there's always some ----------- a-- h--- like you around that has to rain on the parade. If you for some damn reason don't like this topic and find it offensive there are 77 other topics in "Shooter to Shooter" alone and 91 topic's in "Blackpowder Shooting" surely even a p--- like you can find some other topic to post on. Use your God Given right to exercise a little "Selective Reading". Just don't read this topic if it offends you so. I promise you I for one won't miss your input.


Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2003 8:38 am
by Kelley O.Roos
Omaha Poke,

Pretty sad your so negitive and boring. Us guys are having a little bit of fun along with setting up a match that just may be shot on a equal footing by all who enter, no matter what their classifacation in silhouette and now you have to go a be a "dick" and say this forum should have a name change to "Truck Forum" Then add that piece of info about not learning about Black Powder Shooting. You,meaning Omaha Poke, will never learn about Black Powder shooting becauce #1 your negitive and # 2 your a dick.

Sorry Kick and your right, the answer is POWERSTROKE, thats Ford talk to you Dodge drivers, isn't Cummings something a Humming bird does?

Kelley O. 8)

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2003 2:12 pm
by Kirk
Hey, K.W., looks like we may have to move a little rail iron and some animals, sounds like Gunny wants to see stuff fall . Count me in on the deal, sounds fun, my passel and I were going to go to the match this year anyway.


Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2003 5:18 pm
by Omaha Poke
Gunny, the post was made in jest, that is why there was a happy face emoticon at the end of the post. Why is it that you feel the need to personally attack someone whose post you for some unknown reason don't like? Then the parrot sitting on your shoulder also has to chime in.
Just how far do you travel on your ego trips? Randy

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2003 5:55 pm
by Kelley O.Roos
Omaha Poke,

Took you all day to think that post of yours up. No, I'm not a PARROT sitting on the Gunnys shoulder, even though his shoulders are big enough, I think an say my own words. What you have no friends? :cry:

Look at that post of yours #158, Nov.17,,,3:23P.M. All you did was whine and be negitive, then you think your being funny and say this forum should have a name change,"Truck Forum" (maybe you should say just kidding)..Seems to me all you did was to attack an idea. If you haven't noticed this thread is on the shooter to shooter forum of Shiloh, not on Black Powder shooting. You want to learn Black powder shooting, go to a good match make friends with the best shooters there and have them show you what it takes to be good. And I'll bet those guys are good because of how they think and from what your words are telling me (whinnie and negitive) you'll never be in their class. :cry:

Now you think your so hot, show up at Kenny W.'S match, put up your money and be a man and shoot the side match. Thats a challange just in case you didn't get it. :idea:

Talking to you is like teaching a pig to sing, it's a waste of time and bothers the pig :roll:

Did you see the FACE'S :shock:

Kelley O. 8) .

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2003 4:44 pm
by Omaha Poke
Kelley, sorry to take so long to get back to you, but we have had power outages due to the normal Nov storms here in WA. I will try to answer your post as concisely as possible.

Yes, I have many friends.

The post you refered to where you any Gunny both said I was whinning and complaining, I just stated facts as they existed at that time, and continue to exist today.

I have gone to a number of Good BP matches and made friends with quite a number of other shooters. My first BP match ever was Kenny's shoot this past May where I made a number of friends, and liked everyone that I met. This is the same match where I posted the names of a number of people who very willingly gave me invaluable tips and some of their knowledge. These were the people you said you could beat on a regular basis.

I don't know where you got the idea that I think I am so hot!! I have never said so or even intimated such a thing! The only thing I have ever said is that I am having fun learning and shooting with a great bunch of people.

As far as showing up at Kenny's match, I told him at the end of this years match that I wouldn't miss the '04 match if at all possible. I intend to be there barring an emergency.

I am glad you feel confident enough to challenge me. Even though I have been shooting BP for only 8 months, I have never turned down a challenge, and don't intend to start now. Just let me know what the format is and whether I will have to give you a handicap. :lol: (you asked me to let you know when I am kidding).

The only stipulation I have is that when at Kenny's we both (all three if Gunny is there too) behave like we have never had a petty argument over misunderstandings or semantics on the internet. I wouldn't want to have anything upset other shooters or the shoot itself. I would be willing and able to do this if you are.

Who knows, one or the other, or all three of us might just find out that the other isn't such a bad guy after all.

I never could sing too well, so it wouldn't be worth your time to try and teach me :D (there is another of the smiley thingys). I will bring some pretzels and leave the crackers at home :lol: . Sincerely, Randy

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2003 5:36 pm
by MudChild
ummm....did I miss something? :?

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2003 5:55 pm
by Kelley O.Roos
Omaha Poke,

Now thats a post, your the man :P I know all those guys I said I beat on a regular basis and even told them what I said, they know me and got a good laugh from it. :wink:

Challange's are good, it's what makes us better, I challange myself at every match I attend. I do know a little of what Gunny has in mind for Kenny W.'s side match and believe me it will be a challange for everyone. the entry fee will be 100.00 for the match, which I think is resonable considering we'll be shooting for a 2000.00 Shiloh. Not to worry we alway behave at matches :shock: , I've only wanted to put one match directors head off and Gunny wouldn't let me. :cry: I'll take those pretzels :P I do like crackers, the club kind :)

I think you've just figured out we all are pulling your chain, Coydog B. is the worst, one so watch out for him, then Gunny and I'm the sweetest one :roll:

Ford truck's are still best.!!!!

Kelley O. 8)

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2003 6:33 pm
by Omaha Poke
Kelley, If you are the sweetest, then you will have to tell me who to send the bag of candy to that I bought for you and Gunny :lol: :D :roll:

Look forward to meeting you and the shoulder you sit on :lol: , Randy

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2003 6:39 pm
by Coydog B.

"Coydog B. is the worst" :shock: :shock:

How the heck did I get drug or dragged into this?

Since my arrival on this board four score and several months ago I haven't ragged on, or attacked anyone! Not one single soul that I can remember slandering or insulting, or belittling, even though I have seen several opportunities to have some fun at somebody else’s expense. Anyone that knows me knows exactly how far out of character that is for me. :cry:

I’ve even provided two useful posts out of 90! Kelly has made 261 posts and hasn’t said a useful thing yet to date, I know, I’ve read them all. Where’s the justice? Where's the love?

I demand an apology, and Kelly “O” the “cracker boy” should be banned like asbestos! :x

He’s a bad influence. I know for a fact that he ruined and was single-handedly responsible for scattering the members to the four winds of the Internet. He even went so far as to get Pyrodex banned for a short while. I also heard that he’s from CA and we all know what those people are like.



“Everything’s a joke, till it happens to you”

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2003 7:05 pm
by Smokin

Wow! There certainly has been some dynamic conversation here among you stalwarts of the black powder practice. Now I'm thinking of trying to make it to the Wasserburger Wyoming Wrangle and am definitely not in the same league as you finely experienced shooters, but have a concern that those of us tyros wearing the thin skin may be driven into paroxysms of tears and apoplexy when confronted by the stern gaze and sharp tongue of the drivers of the different truck.

can't we all just get along? :twisted: :twisted: Smokin

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2003 7:11 pm
by Timberlake

You should know that here, a man is judged by the internet company he keeps.