Bringing legally killed animals into Calif.

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Post by Timberlake »


Those legislators are exempt from that law. They never had a spine or a brain to start with!

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Post by RMulhern »


Those legislators are exempt from that law. They never had a spine or a brain to start with!



I'll buy that! But....they think...they're smarter than us! They got ELECTED!! :roll: :?
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Old Doe Shooter
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Post by Old Doe Shooter »

" all brain and vetebral column removed before being brought in."

That quote now applies to at least 1/2 of all states, especially east of the Big Muddy but more than anyone would know about without seeking out the information. I still think I'd opt for a legal beagle before "nothing to hide" gets out of hand. Just my 2 lincolns.... ODS
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Post by MLR »

As far as processing the deer out in the open goes. Where I live in Okla its common to drive through town during deer season and see deer hanging from trees, A-frames or what ever else folks can find.
I will admit thet this practice will probably changs as more of the city folks move out here.

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Post by buffalocannon »

As long as the animal is legally harvested, it's no one else's business if you cut the animal up in your garage or on your front yard. Screw the liberals and the animal rights faggots. I have harvested dozens of animals in my life and always used every bit of meat, and now my children in Texas and Canada are doing likewise. The sproutheads can all go to Hell. Those same anti-hunter jerks think nothing about digging into a big steak at the local restaurant. They should all be required to visit a slaughterhouse where steers are made into steaks. It may help their perspective. There won't be any hunters left in a few years anyway. The numbers are declining every year. Cut us some slack. Give it a rest. My brother was telling me that back east somewhere where the anti-hunter idiots are thick as coyotes on a gutpile, the deer numbers got so high that the state had to go in and mow down a couple hundred deer so planes could land at an airport, because they wouldn't let hunters shoot them. They tell me that there are as many mountain lions in California now as all the rest of the United States combined. May be time to hunt them again? I don't like to eat them but I knew several guys in Flagstaff who did.
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Went to court today

Post by highwallbo »

Yep wen't and saw the judge today after going over to Sheriffs Dept. to be booked! Yes that's right here in this %$#@ hole they call Calif. If you bring spinal/vetebral material in to Calif. You will be booked but not arrested and it will cost you $620.00 with 3 years probation.
My house goes on the market in 2 weeks, I am looking at a solid red state, no more liberals. :evil: :twisted:
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Post by Long Knife »


I would still like to know if this offense is a felony or a misterdemenor?

Does your probation require community service, peeing in a cup, alchohol classes or any other CA type justice.

CA Penal Code: "There are no Brains or Spines allowed to be imported into CA"

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Post by highwallbo »

I was charged with two misdemeanors , #1 " Unlawfully and willfully transpot deer without submitting the required declaration to the Fish and Game Dept.,or a designated state or federal agency at or prior to entry" Sec.2355/2353(a) of the Calif. Fish and Game Code.
Misdemeanor #2 "Section 712 of the California Code of Regulations Title 14 defendant did willing and unlawfully import into the state prohibited hunter harvested deer/elk carcass or parts.
As of 01/01/2007 California enacted 910 new laws on the books ,which ones are you going to violate today?

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Old Doe Shooter
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Post by Old Doe Shooter »

Does your probation allow you to move from The People's Republic of California or do you have to stay for more three years so they can monitor your evil behavior... hunting, eating meat, owning guns etc., etc.???
Just curious. Be a shame to sell you home and get dragged back to serve your 'sentence' with no nice place to live.
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Post by highwallbo »

My probation requires me to obey all laws at least the ones I am aware of.
As if I don't! also I have to notify the court of any change of address, I think I will change my address then notify the court.
I am afraid of the 910 new laws that I have no idea what they are about.
Yet I am sure there are some in there that would scare the hell out of most reasonable people.

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Post by Handirifle »

This is not a CA thing only, many states have it for the same reason BUT there has been little or NO advance notification. in MY opinion, Colorado (or anyother state selling non-resident tags) SHOULD have given you paperwork stating that many states have these requirements.

The REAL criminal here, is the states for poor notification issues.
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Post by Chief Beck »


If you haven't done so already, you may want to check your violations and see if they fall under the "catch-all" phrase "Crimes of Domestic Violence" if it does then the "Brady Bill" comes into play. You will lose your right to own, buy or sale firearms.
I am not a lawyer or legalistic type person, I have seen this happen before.

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Post by Long Knife »

That correct

Lawtenburg states that if you have ever "tendorized" deer meat with a mallet, you are guilty of "domestic" violence!

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Post by highwallbo »

I just bought a gun off the web site and will start the paper work today and will learn if any part of my conviction has any issues attached.

Thanks to all for your opinions,even those I disagree with.

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Post by Trigger Dr »

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