Buffalo Hunt 2007 Part 2 and 3

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Post by Conan_568 »

Buffalos are tough critters, real tough.
I've only taken one with a 45=90 and it took 2 shots.
The first shot was with a 420 grain bullet.
The bull was walking as live animals tend to do and the bullet struck bone instead of going through the ribs where I was aiming.
I saw dust fly off of the buff's shoulder, it looked at me, then went back to having it's lunch.
The second shot I put a 540 grain PJ creedmoor through a main artery on the heart and it was dead when it hit the ground.
This bullet went right through and left a nice big air hole.

My Buddy Kenny shot his buff with a 375 H&H mag.
His buff went down, but required a finishing shot to the brain.
It ain't that I ,or anyone else is a careless hunter that makes more than one shot neccesary with buffalos.
It's because they are very tough animals.
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Post by mdeland »

I was refering to myself as well when taking to long of a shot and wounding and loosing a Dall ram. Hardly the action of a responsible hunter much less a perfect one. I fully understand that we make mistakes as humans( my experience is a case in point) but also know that our common enemies will take every opportunity to use anything they can against us. As stated in the original post the intent was not to pick on any one person but to caution us all to better protect both the game and our precious rights. I figured on the angst the post would generate but also realized it would bring attention to this important aspect to the survival of our sport.
Kurt, can I take it out of my ear yet? SSD
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Post by Trigger Dr »

If you are not a politician, you seem well qualified to spin prior statments to fit the situation.
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Post by Tallperson »

Congratulations Manny. to you and your partners.. Great photos, great looking bulls and a clear and honest telling. I also have seen guides that will have the hunter keep putting rounds into a critter as long as it is on it's feet and moving even though it was dead from the first shot and just hadn't figured it out yet. They want the critter anchored and no long chase after wounded game. I have watched the herd at Durham grow over the years and wondered how many head they had now . i lived in Buffalo Wyo. and ran cattle with friends on the Powder river west of Gillette.... Stopped many times on the highway to take pictures of the herd along the road.... Again congratulations ....
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Post by mdeland »

Lets see DR, I said what I think, I believe what I said and I took resposibility for having contributed to the problem. Two questions, do you know what spin means and how many politicians do you know that publicly blame themselves for anything? Did not the first sentence of the original post say"disservice to hunting"and later to gun rights and did I not finish with "flame away I can take it". You didn''t like what was said but there was no spin because I meant every word and the response was calculated before I pressed the send button. The buffalo police response was well thought out. I obviously believe this issue is worth taking some heat over or I wouldn't have been willing to endure the rebuttal. If we don't talk about this kind of thing and take steps to insure it being minimized it will for sure contribute to our undoing. SSD
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Post by Kelley O. Roos »

Trigger Dr,

Yep ole mdeland sounds like a politician, more spin. The ole woe is us routine, with that we had better becarefull not to give our rights enemys more ammo to use on us.

You know there is a saying, if the hole keeps getting deeper, quite digging.

It's easy," to take it" from 3 thousand miles away.

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Post by RMulhern »

Perhaps mdeland would have liked the story better if the hunters had driven the buffalo into a slaughter house kill chute whereby they could have stood up over the buffs heads and knocked them into eternity with a sledge hammer?? Only thing is.....I once knew a guy what worked in a slaughter house who had that particular job and he told me that quite often he had to swing and hit the cattle in the noggin 3 or 4 times before they'd give up the ghost! I've always been amazed at the folks what would walk 5 miles to eat a good steak off a steer but couldn't stand the thought of killing their own piece of meat.....not to point a finger at anyone but if the shoe fits......wear it! :wink: :shock:

Thanks for the story and the truth that went along with it! :lol: :lol:
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Post by mdeland »

I made my point, apparently ruffled a few feathers and most importantly got you thinking about the issue. Objective achieved! The End. SSD
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Post by Kelley O. Roos »


Bwaaaaaa, Haaaaaa, not hardly. Not one shred of evidence supports the notion you made a point or objective achieved. Did you know, it's not the hat you wear that makes your head look fat.

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Post by Trigger Dr »

I wonder if he might have a little lawyer in his self. Two things come to mind here, as mentioned once before re another person, the only way he could say less is to keep talking. The other.....well I will save that for the next response.
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Post by Bestboss »

And I use that term loosely....
Up to this point, I have been impressed with this board and the quality of converstion contained. I also appreciate the ability to stay on topic for the most part.
I enjoyed the buffalo hunts related in these posts. The sudden chewing on others backsides, was not however, the highlight of my evening. I have learned to pass on shots which I do not like. Most I know will do the same. It comes with age and the dislike of tracking a poorly hit and sometimes dangerous animal. But stuff happens and I think being honest in this post, was a subtle and on time reminder, that we must make the best shots we can.
I am a paper hunter with my 458 Win Mag. I have no need to kill an elephant or hippo to prop up my manhood. And hopefuly for most, that's not what it's all about anyway. The jury is still out for me on the buff or a big cat.
Either way, let's keep the conversation light and informative, as that is what keeps me signing on.
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Post by Kelley O. Roos »

Who is that masked man called Bestboss :?:

Kelley O.
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Post by Trigger Dr »

Kelley, I don't know , but P L E A S E can't we all just get along. Hmmm get along little dogies get along yippie ty ay :lol:
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Post by bobw »

TD and KOR sure you guys are losing yer touch, never took in the past anywheres near this effort to get your MID -WINTER pissing match going a hell of a lot quicker than this. Geez ,why don't you all quit pulling yer punches? Sure, you are disappointing the rest of us. What, you all getting PC er something? I think I'll have to go and have a drink and do the laundry er something. I have actually heard 60+ year old women in the check out line at the grocery store meaner than you guys and nowhere near as subtle. you all get a good nite sleep now. bobw
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Post by Kelley O. Roos »

Come on now bobw, we have not lost our touch, it is matter of priorities.

What, is this what you want read, after reading a well written story, in a clear and concise way, we have to read what some Bozo,(you hear that mdeland),has to say about the fine art of killing an animal. Oh yes, mdeland includes a little episode in his hunting career, to soften the blow, of his having poorly shooting an animal and said animal getting away and since loosing said animal he has feelings of guilt and feels the need to lay a guilt trip on any hunter who just happens to take one shot to many. After said Bozo gets called for his poor remarks, turn to the old trick of political spin, Bwaaaaa, Haaaaa, doesn't work. Then again said Bozo goes on to say he has made a point and the point being :?:

Now on to#2 Bozo, dressing folks down for some precived infraction, give me a break or more to it, #2 Bozo needs to get a life, come to think of it #1 Bozo needs to get a life. Bozo #2 is in this catagory, since he is of that age were broadness of the mind and narrowness of the waist changes places.

bobw, there, was that a little better :?: :lol: :shock:

Kelley O.

Not one shred of evidence supports the fact that life is serious, if don't believe that, sign up for a government program.
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