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Breech block pressure plate disaasembly?

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2013 10:26 pm
by Naphtali
I understand that the touchiest cleaning/disassembly issue for 1863s is removing pressure plate from breech block because the parts are a near press fit. Has anyone tried to relieve tightness of fit by putting the breech block assembly into a freezer for 15 minutes, or so? In theory, the metal will contract slightly, freeing the tight fit. Since the two parts will then be thoroughly cleaned, condensation from quickly bringing the parts to room temperature will not cause issues.

Just a thought.

Re: Breech block pressure plate disaasembly?

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 6:53 pm
by snapcap14
not sure where you heard that but its not true. My gas check comes right out w just my finger. If it has set for awhile most I have had to do is put a flat screw drive in the notch on the side. and twist. it pops off.