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CRC Midrange Championship

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2017 2:23 pm
Thanks to all that participated in our CRC BPTR Midrange Club Championship this Sunday.
Our Match Director Eron Ahmer was out so I filled in, in his absence.
I think everything went well despite some early relay confusion on my part. I was surprised to see some new participants and some competitors we haven't seen in awhile after I had already done squadding in my head for those I thought were coming. But that is a good problem to have!
Thanks to those of you that helped setup the range and get some 500yd targets made up quickly for the match. Particularly Michael Rix and Bryan Youngberg. Thanks also to Lee Kleidon for getting flags up and his willingness to always step up and help where needed.

It was a nice and relatively calm day for Byers, but it was still tricky. The flags weren't moving much and often disagreed. We had heavy swimming mirage  that at at times was a good indicator and at some other times didn't seem to translate to what was actually happening.
Once we got to the 500yd line it started to heat up, some competitors experienced some fouling issues and barrels were too hot to touch. As always out at CRC, once you get to the pits you're in the shade and 10-15 degrees cooler than the outside air temp.

Awards were given for Champion, High Spotter, 2nd and 3rd place.
We shot 300, 500 & 600 yards, 30 shots for score. CRC is great practice with very similar sight settings to BPTR Nationals at Raton that we'll be shooting those distances at this year for the first time in Midrange Prone.

Jason Porter-269-6x 1st
Robert Garibay- 268-7x 2nd
Jack Odor-263-3x 3rd
Klaus Schattleitner- 259-3x High Spotter
Michael Rix- 258-3x
Bryan Youngberg-252-1x
Michael Jackson- 240-1x
Lee Kleidon- 238-3x
Kevin Finney- 232-1x
Jim Harris- 229-0x
David Heintz-188-1x

Robert G.

Re: CRC Midrange Championship

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2017 3:14 pm
by gunlaker
Those are some nice scores, particularly given the fact that you are shooting at 300,500,600 rather than the usual 200,300,600.


Re: CRC Midrange Championship

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2017 11:42 am
Award recipients from this Sunday's match.
From left to right, Jack Odor, Robert Garibay, Jason Porter and Klaus Schattleitner.