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Zach Farmer Family Benefit Match

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2019 8:51 pm
by jackrabbit
Friends and Shooters, 7/28/2019
Being a part of a community is one of the most satisfying and fulfilling parts of my life. From growing up in a community of small farmers, I have so many fond memories of celebrating the good times together and banding together to help those out that needed a hand. Sadly, with the drastic increase in the size of the farms and the in-a-hurry atmosphere of our modern world, those days are gone for most people. They are, however, alive and well in the world of BPCR and Smithmoor Range. I am so honored and proud to be a part of this community of people that is made up of the best folks on Earth.
Yesterday, July 27th, we hosted a benefit 22 BPCR match for the Zach Farmer family at our West Smithmoor Range. For those that don't know, Zach is a young working man who suffered a most tragic, heart breaking accident with his wife and baby. A blown tire resulted in a rollover leaving Zach, his wife Christa, and couple month old baby Colton severely injured. Zach has been an active participant in our Winter Series 22 matches, and Zach's Dad, JD, and Uncle Dick are some of our most ardent and enthusiastic supporters from the beginning. All of the Farmers are rather quiet, unobtrusive folks that contribute greatly to our range and matches and never ask for anything in return. It is an honor and pleasure to know them and a lot of folks jumped at the opportunity to help them.
I wanted to share a bit of the flavor of an old time Schuetzen match to the day, so there were a variety of events going on. The main event of the day was a 40 shot 22 BPCR silhouette match. We ran a fifth station to it and a few fun side matches were held after the match. There were enough events that it would have been hard to enter all of them, so shooters picked and chose what they wanted to do. During the fifth station and continuing after the match, shooters could shoot a paper target for 5 shot small group, 10 shot score, and we made a fun Blackjack event where you had to get as close to 121 with as many shots as needed without going over. These were run as a re-entry match so if you didn't like your score, you could buy another target and shoot it again as many times as you wanted. Also on any of the targets, for a dollar you could enter the center match so that the single closest to center shot of the day would win. We had a prize table with a variety of donations on it that the shooters could pick from . Smithmoor mugs, gift certificates, packages of brass, and jugs of honey and real maple syrup were among the items.
As always, lunch was a real bullseye! Mom and Dad had barbecue boneless pork ribs, cole slaw, rolls, chocolate cake, peanut butter cake, and Coralee's rhubarb crisp hot and ready for us. We took a break from the shooting to enjoy the meal. I thought it was super, thanks Mom and Dad for the great food!
David Heintz won the small group target with a 1" 5 shot 100 yard group. My Dad, Gary Smith, was right behind him with a 1/32" larger group. Pretty darn good shooting if you ask me! Jim Rodebaugh had 4 in 3/8", but missed a wind call and had the fifth shoot out about an inch, putting him out. So close! Cecil Sauer won the high 10 shot score target with a solid 239. It was just breezy enough and the mirage was stiff enough that scores closer to the possible 250 were tough. There was a cluster of scores in the 234-236 area. I had thought the blackjack target might be really tough and fun. To my surprise we had 3 shooters shoot a 121! Cole Sauer and Chase Sauer did it earlier in the day and Billy Acklin also did the miraculous feat a little while later. It was fun, we'll have to do it again. Bill's Dad, Tim Acklin is a new shooter and did super well. He drilled one shot right in the middle to win the center shot match. Good shooting everyone!
After the silhouette match was over, we quickly set up 3 fun matches. We have two sets of prairie dog targets and we ran a hunter style match with them. Unlimited shots in five minutes and no spotters to see how many one can hit. We have done it before and it was sure fun. My kids kind of hogged that match and had a really good time shooting prairie dogs. We also sat shotgun shells on the pig rail and had a try at them. The wind played havoc trying to keep them on the rail, but I think Cole and Chase Sauer were the champions there. The final one that proved very popular and we will have to do again was long range balloons. Steve Anderson picked up a pack of balloons and we taped them to rocks on the big bore turkey berm. 385 meters is equal to 421 yards! What fun it was lobbing in 22 rounds to hit them. It was really rather amazing how well one can do it once they get some sight settings. It was fun for all, but I think Doc Bement had the most fun. He was so excited and was all smiles and laughter each time he got one. I don't remember how many he got, but it was definitely more than anyone else. Then he handed his rifle to Mary Zang and she gave it a try. One shot and she hit one! Some of us weren't quite so good, however, and dumped a lot of shells down there without any luck. Fantastic shooting Doc and everyone else that hit some balloons.
As always the 22 match was a hoot. We had 25 entries for it and had several events of note. KD Purdum shot her very first full match and I thought she did excellent. She was all smiles and I am sure we see more of her on the line. Chase Sauer won A class with a super 23. This was his 3rd AA score and he will be moving up next match, much to his satisfaction. Zach's brother Hayden won AA class with a solid 26. Good Shooting Hayden! He has not been able to make it to a match for a while, so that was really good considering the dry spell. Cole Sauer, our reining Junior National Champion, shot a 31 to win AAA. He has his eye on master class and this was the first score he needed to get there. Keep it up Cole! Bill Acklin won master class with a super 33. Bill is a relatively new and very enthusiastic shooter. He has been working very hard to improve and it was great to see him have some success. And the big news was Jim Rodebaugh! Yahooo a 35 for the Match Win! That is a grand master score and incidentally his 3rd one. Jim is now in the grand master class! That is truly something to be proud of.
The number of folks that sent cash, checks, and donations for prizes for the match or items for the silent auction was nothing short of awesome. People from all over the country, many of whom did not even know the Farmer's felt the need and graciously donated. The silent auction was really something special. There were 25 items and they ranged from a really cool Nerf gun, one of Coralee's famous pies, or a handmade quilt from Mom, to a RCBS Rockchucker press, a Lyman electric powder measure, or a really cool horseblanket rifle case. The two attention getters, however, were a knife and scabbard from Jim Rodebaugh, and a beautiful Sako 243 rifle and scope from an anonymous donor! Wow! Talk about some treasures. The silent auction netted $2,160 and money from the match entries and donations totaled $3,371! The total proceeds from the match that all went to the Farmer's was $5,531! Talk about proud! Thank you to all that contributed, this is a very worthy cause and will go a long way to helping them both financially and also morally in helping them know how many folks are pulling for them.
There are a few spots available for our Wyoming State Championship match coming up the third weekend in August, so let us know if anyone is interested. We are busy making the final preparations. Also keep in mind the Black Powder Target Rifle matches being held at Cheyenne and Byers. Contact me if you are interested and I will forward you some info.
Thank you to everyone that has a part of our range and matches. You truly make this sport great and make all of the time our family puts into the range very fulfilling and worthwhile.

Take care my friends, Cody

Shooter Chicken Pig Turkey Ram Total Place
Grand Master
Cody Smith 5 9 10 10 34
Jack Odor 6 10 10 9 35
Mark Pachares 2 10 9 3 24
Jim Rodebaugh 6 10 9 10 35 MW
Travis Purdum 4 9 10 9 32
Cecil Sauer 2 10 10 9 31
Coralee Smith 2 10 10 8 30
Bill Acklin 4 10 9 10 33 1st
Steve Anderson 2 10 9 8 29
Dick Hennebry 2 10 10 9 31
Gary Smith 0 7 9 6 22
Richard Bement 1 10 10 7 28

JD Farmer 1 10 9 8 28
Cole Sauer 2 10 10 9 31 1st
Tom Reed 0 10 9 7 26
James Sedman 1 6 10 8 25
Josh Steveson 1 7 6 5 19
Tim Acklin 2 10 9 9 30

Hayden Farmer 1 10 7 8 26 1st
David Heintz 1 9 5 4 19
Mary Zang 4 8 8 5 25
Dan Womer 1 8 5 9 23

Chase Sauer 0 9 8 6 23 1st
Keith Kelly 1 8 7 3 19
KD Purdum 0 2 1 2 5