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Steve Garbe
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Post by Steve Garbe »


Did I get your attention with that thread heading?

I sure hope so, because unless enough of us raise the roof over the new proposed OSHA rules on shipping black powder there will be no more black powder to be had. Well, maybe, at $40 per pound. This new rule will effectively dissarm you, no matter what you shoot, because of the added cost of shipping.

Technically, this could affect black, smokeless, Pyrodex, etc., as well as primers and percussion caps.

Call your Congressmen, call OSHA, call the NRA...Lee Stone has the contact points listed in the threads here. Get your buddies to call, your club members, anyone... just generally raise hell about this because I'm sure the anti's are trying to slip this one past us unnoticed.

I called Jim Kirkland of Schuetzen Powder, LLC and his comment was, "If this goes through, I'm out of business. Time to take up golf."

Make some noise about this...if you don't, you are part of the problem.

Gute Ziele,

Kelley O. Roos
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Post by Kelley O. Roos »

If we're to make noise, that noise needs to be not only to the choir but to were the noise will do the most good.

Like someone mentioned, this needs to be put out to all, including shotgunners. The powers that be need to be reminded there's an election coming up :D

Kelley O.
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Post by Tasmanian Rebel »

I am retyping this as I sent my previous post mistakingly as a PM to Lee Stone( I'm a little punch drunk from typing today!). Decided to put it under Steves's post here. After spending most of the day on the telephone and writing emails I feel WE'RE ABOUT TO RECEIVE A LARGE OSHA ENEMA! The NRA IS aware of this problem but can do just so much as I understand it. Like the IRS, OSHA can pass rules and it BECOMES LAW WITHOUT CONGRESSIONAL APPROVAL. OSHA is dependent however on congress for their budget so is sensitive to congressional pressure. This is going to affect everything from black powder to .22 cartridges.I'll say it again-WAKE UP PEOPLE! I have contacted all of my Senators and congressional representatives and urge all of you to do the same. Can't hurt either to keep calling the NRA on this. Our sport is about to change in a major way if this thing goes through. I had trouble getting my comment on this proposal to a non-existant problem submitted on the OSHA website but did send a fax to them( fax #202-693-1648). Hopefully some of you more computer literate people can access their comment section. We need a groundswell of support on this!
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Post by Kirk »

You then need to search OSHA-2007-0032 to comment.

This is where you need to go to give your comment. I just talked to a friend at Hodgdons and the NSSF and SAMMI are really on top of this from a meeting they had ten days ago, I guess this has been sneakingly in the air for the past 3 years. I'm thinking the NRA is a little behind on it but the gentleman I talked to was working on it.

There are not to many comments on the OSHA sight for as long as this has been up for public opinion!!!
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Post by deerhuntsheatmeup »

My email to Sen Thad Cochran R-MS


The latest OSHA regulations regarding the shipping of Black Powder will for all practical purposes bring to an end the civil war re- enactments that have become so popular. Many have spent their vacations and monies to enjoy the "living history" of re-enacting the war between the States.

PLEASE help us black powder shooters and fight this new regulation on shipping! We are not the problem in this country! We are the people that stand behind you and your constituants and get you re-elected. I am not threatening, just begging for some representation in Washington that will stand up for our 2nd Amandment rights!

Please respond and we would love to have you come shoot with us and be a part of a living history!

Sincerely, David Barfield
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Steve Garbe
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Post by Steve Garbe »


I just got off the phone with Wyoming's Senator Mike Enzi's office. They didn't know a thing about it. When they said they would call me back, I said, "Don't worry, I'm going to be calling back regularly."

Those taxes you've been paying? And those NRA dues you've been sending off? Time to call in those markers.

Make noise, and keep making noise!

I definitely smell the stench of Schumerfaction on this one.

Gute Ziele,

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Post by ironramrod »


Another source of significant horsepower that can be brought to bear on things like this is your state wildlife agency. Typically, state wildlife management agencies have a fairly straight pipe to governors, senators, congressmen, and just about everyone in political circles that have significant horsepower on things relating to wildlife management. I just got off the phone with the asst. wildlife division chief here in North Dakota who I know very well, and he was totally unaware of this proposed OSHA rule. He also almost instantly understood the ramifications for wildlife management nationwide, if such a ban became law. Additionally, my guess is that because he didn't know anything about this before I called him, there are likely quite a few wildlife managment agencies around the country that don't know as well. Lets get on the phones and call people in your respective states, and get some serious horsepower on our side. A quick phone call today to all 50 state wildlife management agencies could be a real asset to get this thing stuffed in a toilet.

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Post by Kodiak »

I have spoke to the Missouri congressmen and they are "on it". They see no reason for OSHA to update regs @ this time. They also said they are speaking with (informing) a large group of other congressional members about this proposal, that knew nothing about it :oops: , oh boy, nothing like being right on top of whats going on under their own roof :( :( :( :( !

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Post by Tasmanian Rebel »

Another suggestion for the members here is to contact other sites/different shooting disciplines such as olympic/smallbore rifle/ shotgun/hunting sites and notify them about this problem. We need to network this thing(and soon!) that will ultimately affect everyone who pulls any kind of trigger.
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Post by Hornman120 »

It looks like there is a delay of a few days from when a comment is entered and when it appears on the web site. Some more were added this afternoon and it looks like they were submitted on 6/28. I submitted a comment on 6/29 so I don't expect to see it show up for another day or two. From the paucity of comments, I think that people just started to find out about this late last week and they are just now getting around to making their views known. The most recent comments that were placed on the web site today and on 6/28 look like they were all submitted on 6/28. My guess is that they want to review the comments for things like relevancy and profanity--of course no one on this forum would ever do that :? . I would like to think that there wouldn't be any real censorship, but I guess we will find out in a few days. I also sent a brief email on this topic to the NRA-ILA.

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Re-Post Here

Post by al halbert »

When it cannot be legislated the Federal Agencies use administrative regulation to effectively carry out the agenda of the liberal democrats to take away our right to keep and bear arms. They do not need congressional approval to create regulations, which have the same full weight & measure as laws passed by Congress! The Consumer Product Safety Commission has been busy taking away our ability to order and receive chemicals that are used to make pyrotechnics (fireworks) for the last 2 years so this is just another assault on our right to keep and bear arms! I know this as I have been ordering supplies from several companies that are now out of business due to the new and proposed regulations, other are just hanging on! They do this because they can alleviate the cumbersome legislation of a direct Constitutional assault that would be required through the Legislature! On a personal note I really hate my government doing so much to protect me from myself, as if they know what is best for me and I am just some ignorant hayseed that does know any better and I need their benevolent protection! Can you sing Koom-By-Yah!
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Post by kamotz »

Thanks for the links Kirk,
I'll be sending this to my brother down there in Tx. who also has alot of hunting buddies.
He has a way of taking something and running with it and going overboard sometimes. If ya'll know others like that give them a shout too.
This is bullshit!
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al halbert
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Lead is their next target

Post by al halbert »

Let’s not forget that the EPA is working hard to get LEAD banned for projectiles and that they are on the brink of declaring shooting ranges as hazardous waste sites! This is based on the alleged toxicity of LEAD in the environment and the possibility of it leaching into our water supply! I for one do not know of a suitable substitute if they are successful that is cheap and readily available! The military is experimenting with some unusual materials like spent uranium and other exotic materials as they see the writing on the wall!
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Post by FrontRange »

This is my first post...sorry it couldn't have been on a happier topic. I just posted on www.packing .org the situation as Steve described. The PDO guys are good at getting info about any anti-2A activity. I'll update if I hear anything from that site.
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Steve Garbe
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Post by Steve Garbe »


I've calling all afternoon and the common thread is "I haven't heard anything about this". Very well planned, I'd say.

I'm thinking that a lot of noise directed to your elected officials is the quickest way to get it shut down, i.e. immigration bill outrage.

If everyone here got 5 more people to call their Congressmen it would sure be a good start.

Anyone know Rush Limbaugh?

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