The historical 40-90 b.n.

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The historical 40-90 b.n.

Post by fjjensen »

The 40-90 b.n. cartridge is generaly cussed as a pain in the behind to deal with by shooters of today.From printed reading of the late sharps period it seemed to have had a loyal following in its day.I cannot believe that the rifleman of that period would have used it if it was a pain.
If loading the 45 2 7/8 can {and Has } be mastered,why not the 40-90
b.n. I would be interested in any information or expeience from folks that have experimented with this cartridge.L.a.Hoffman shot this cartridge
in the Miles City,Mt area in the tail end of the hide hunting era and the
country at that time was to dangerous to be shooting a cartridge that
would was not user friendly.

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