The tide is turning

Talk with other Shiloh Sharps shooters.

Moderators: Kirk, Lucinda

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Re: The tide is turning

Post by SFogler »

Good job. Delete those that have opposing opinions as they are threatening and dangerous to freedom.
No... this forum is about our shooting sport. There are many other places on the web to argue political opinions. This is an open forum that potential new shooters to our sport can and should read. If we want our sport to to attract others then all of us should learn to express our opinions in a civil and intelligent manner. Attacking others on the forum for their opinions in the way I have read in this thread is not healthy for our sport. Most of the matches I have been to the shooters are there to have a good time and learn from each other and compete. The volatile subjects stay off the range so that can happen. This forum should be the treated the same way.
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Re: The tide is turning

Post by BFD »

Really. And I'm surely disappointed in you and your comment directed towards me earlier.
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Re: The tide is turning

Post by GrumpyBear »

BFD wrote: Thu Jan 07, 2021 7:34 am Good job. Delete those that have opposing opinions as they are threatening and dangerous to freedom.
It's not the opposing opinions that were the problem, adults can have discussions and not agree, it's when there is such hatred and vulgarity, displayed in the written word, that it becomes an issue. And this is not directed at you Brent, but the other party who is no longer with us. Opposing opinions are fine, but civility needs to be apart of that.

And Thank You Kirk.
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Re: The tide is turning

Post by semtav »

BFD wrote: Thu Jan 07, 2021 8:33 am Really. And I'm surely disappointed in you and your comment directed towards me earlier.
Yes I thought later I shouldn't have lumped you and MD in with varsity .
Glen Ring
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Re: The tide is turning

Post by Glen Ring »

I LOVE a good debate. Debate. Not Argument. We all are entitled to our opinions, beliefs, and have a right to speak or express them .
There are folks that frequent this forum that I don't agree with on many subjects and there are those that are remarkably like me with their views on life. That's life. We all can't be, nor do we all want to be, exactly alike.

I hope we all can shoot at a rifle match this spring and summer. Be competitors, make a friendly wager and then at the end of the match shake hands and have some beer and Bar-B-Q with friends and family. Tell jokes, laugh and HUG someone. I miss shaking hands and hugging.

I want to extend my invitation to varsity to come to Oklahoma, shoot and have fun at a couple of our matches. Your first match is free and we'll treat you like company.
There are those that talk, and those that act. Make a choice.
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Re: The tide is turning

Post by TAA »

I agree with Kirk's decision, thank you!

we as a group with a shared shooting interest will never agree 100% on a subject. We should be able to exchange views without the caustic, anger, name calling, foul mouthed comments, personal attacks, etc. that we've seen recently.

Waiting for a slight creep up in temperature so I can get out to the range and give the Postal a try.
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Re: The tide is turning

Post by SSShooter »

BFD wrote: Thu Jan 07, 2021 7:34 am Good job. Delete those that have opposing opinions as they are threatening and dangerous to freedom.
Obviously being facetious and very well said. Thx, Brent.
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Re: The tide is turning

Post by semtav »

The great thing about a good discussion is it forces you to learn the facts.go back and read about the elections in the 1800s the electoral college did not rubber stamp everything. What's going on today is nothing new it's just that we've been so accustomed to letting the news media declare the winner and the opposing candidate conceding that we think that is the constitutional way to do it.

Hell I just crossed the Continental divide in North Dakota a couple days ago. Blew my mind, I had no idea they moved it. Now we got a good discussion going on locally about that.
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Re: The tide is turning

Post by bobw »

BFD wrote: Thu Jan 07, 2021 7:34 am Good job. Delete those that have opposing opinions as they are threatening and dangerous to freedom.
Brent , I don't think that's the case here I have listened to your opinion on politics for years and never agreed with you on them. But never ever heard you sound like a vulgar mad dog threatening violence to anyone. Adamant on your stand but still reasonably polite on your insistence. It's not a point of view censorship. Bobw
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Re: The tide is turning

Post by mdeland »

I sure have appreciated the discussion , different opinions and beliefs expressed as well. Actually the whole thread is a microcosm and cross section of where most citizens of this country are in mentally, spiritually and emotionally at this period in our history. The beauty and wonder of it is being able to express a view and have it challenged without bullets being traded . Views and ideas we kick around here probably would not even come up at a match or affiliated social event in normal times but I think they have value here as we're talking about the foundation of liberty that supports the values, rights and sport we all love and have in common.
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Re: The tide is turning

Post by mdeland »

Day 64 of "Give him fifteen" on youtube with Dutch Sheets was special to me as he articulates almost verbatim where my heart and mind have been through this time. It was really encouraging to here his testimony and description of his faith stand to never give up and never give in. Like me he has to keep asking God if he's heard correctly in the face of what looks like defeat but even then to stand for what is right no matter what.
I guess that is what faith is all about because if you can see it with your natural senses it isn't faith at all.
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Re: The tide is turning

Post by CptCurl »

All of my sympathy and respect goes out to Capitol Police Officer Brian D. Sicknick and his family.

Officer Sicknick died at the hands of a Trump supporter, his head bashed in by a fire extinguisher.

The officer was bravely protecting our democracy.

If you are hearing voice commands in your head, you need help. This crisis is no fantasy.

RIP Officer Sicknick, an American patriot in the truest sense of the word.


Roscoe Stephenson
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Re: The tide is turning

Post by Tomklinger »

CptCurl Lets hear a good word about the police officers that died at the hands of “Biden” supporters all last summer and continuing now, do you know them by name?
Tom Klinger
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Re: The tide is turning

Post by TAA »

Thanks, I was curious what caused his death.

There have been quite a few interviews of people who were there. Several described miscreants as dressed in black with small packs containing destructive devices, leaving the guys being interviewed doubting that these people were Trump supporters.

Every news account constantly identifies all people as Trump supporters. This is incorrect. In many of these types of events there are people involved who just like to destroy and cause havoc. Painting everyone with the broad brush of guilt is wrong. Remember the earlier in the year big city destruction activities? They were called “protestors” and were excused by the media and Left. But imbedded in the “protestors” were antifa and BLM agitants.

Unless the person using the fire extinguisher has been interviewed and admitted being a “Trump supporter”, we need to be careful how we emotionally over react and generalize to what is announced by the media.
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Re: The tide is turning

Post by jackrabbit »

A true Trump supporter would not have beaten a police office to death as Trump and his followers have continually backed and showed unending support for the police. Support for the police has been one of the core beliefs of Trump and his movement from the beginning. The criminal that beat that policeman to death clearly hated police. Even if he claims to be a Trump supporter, he was truly not as he did not do what Trump supporters do! Watch peoples actions, they tell the truth. Words seem to mean little these days....
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