Smithmoor March 22's #2

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Smithmoor March 22's #2

Post by jackrabbit »

Shooters and Friends, 3/12/2023

Well, we had a few complaints. Apparently the conditions have been too easy for the last several matches. Our top notch wind callers were getting bored and losing interest with the sport. Our top shooters were getting tired of shooting near perfect scores, and our new shooters were wondering what was so hard about 22 BPCR. Things were getting desperate around Smithmoor and there was concern the whole deal was going to collapse. Not knowing what to do, Coralee and I had a little chat with the Big Guy (the real one, not biden) and laid out our situation to him. We just put it in His hands, and come match day He heard our prayers and eased our burdens. Praise the Lord! He gave us winds that were so variable in direction and intensity, so twitchy, so unpredictable, and had so much impact on bullet trajectories that not one shooter could figure it out. Rest assured everyone left challenged!

The scoreboard reflects the lowest winning scores shot in a winter series match in the last 3 years. That should tell you the difficult shooting conditions we faced. Temps were quite cool in the morning starting in the mid 20’s and working its way into the mid 40’s in the afternoon. Winds varied from approaching 50 mph to the low teens, and they seemed to huff and puff like a giant steam engine while changing directions quickly and without pattern. Man, was it tough shooting! That didn’t stop us from giving it our best though; the scores were impressive when one takes into account the conditions. Good Job Everyone!

AA/A class was won by Danny Glick for the last time. His score of 27 is a AAA score and this was his third one, so he will be moving up next match. Yahoooo!! Good Job Danny! He has been working at it and it is fun to see him have success. AAA class was won by Ed Himelhoch with a 27. This was the fourth match in a row that Ed has won AAA class and he needs one more master score to move up. I’m sure if the conditions would have been any easier, it might have happened yesterday. Ed has also really been putting the effort into improving and we are all proud of him.
I’m not sure we have ever had a match before at Smithmoor where we didn’t even have one master class shooter shoot a master score, but it happened yesterday. Joe Kapler shot a very good for conditions score of 30 to win master class. Good Job Joe! Craig Wolf shot a solid 31 to win grand master class. Craig is a very fine shot and I really appreciate him helping to raise the bar at Smithmoor. I was pleased to have a good chicken day that helped offset my poor performance on laydowns and end up match winner with a 33.

The Texas star fifth station target was also a fun challenge yesterday. I enjoy thinking of new ways to shoot it each month. This time, I put it at 200 yards next to the rams and gave everyone 15 shots to hit the 10 5” discs after taking unlimited sighters on a 12” gong. Shooters did better than I thought they would. Danny Glick took home the certificate for 1st place in AAA/AA class with 9 hits, while in GM/M class Dick Hennebry and Michael Jackson both shot all ten. Michael did in 14 shots, while Dick took all 15, so Michael ended up High Overall and Dick was 1st in GM/M class. Good shooting fellas! I think everyone enjoyed it, I know it was a tough target.

One of the best things about competitive shooting is getting to know the shooters. We have so enjoyed learning the backgrounds and talents of everyone that shoots with us. I have also always smiled at the way that everyone finds their own way to help. Joe Kapler is one of the finest gentlemen I know and he really treated us this month. When Joe was a kid in Cleveland, Ohio, his family owned a meat market. They were from Slovenia and had brought recipes with them from the old country. Joe has told me about it before and they sounded mouth watering. The meat market was sold in 1954, but the company that bought it is still making sausages from the same recipe. Joe ordered a mess of them in and he brought them and everything needed for our lunch yesterday. Fresh, delicious buns, genuine Slovene sausages, sauerkraut, potato and macaroni salads made up the main course, while Grace made chocolate chip cookie bars for desert. The sausages were unique and different that I have had before. Mild, but full of flavor, they were very, very good. I enjoyed them immensely! Thank you Joe for the wonderful, unique meal! It was a real treat! Thank you also to those that brought donuts for our morning snack. I also really enjoy and appreciate those, as does everyone else.

It’s hard to believe, but we have only one season match left on the 25th and then our big finale match will be April 15th. We will have a list out shortly of those eligible to enter the finale match.

Take care my friends,

Shooter Star Chicken Pig Turkey Ram Total Place
Grand Master
Steve Anderson 8 4 10 5 6 25
Mark Pachares 8 5 9 5 10 29
Cody Smith (iron) 5 7 9 7 10 33 MW
Grizz 1 0 8 7 8 23
Craig Wolf 9 3 10 10 8 31 1st

Greg Bybee 5 4 9 6 6 25
Dick Farmer 5 2 10 5 6 23
JD Farmer 5 2 10 7 5 29
Dick Hennebry 10 1 10 8 8 27
Michael Jackson 10 1 10 8 10 29
Joe Kapler 8 4 10 8 8 30 1st
Coralee Smith 5 3 9 5 8 25
Gary Smith 9 1 10 8 8 27
Bryan Youngberg (iron) 0 1 9 8 9 27

Ed Himelhoch 7 3 8 8 8 27 1st
Keith Kelly 7 1 10 6 5 22
Katy Stephenson 8 2 10 8 5 25
Richard Stephenson 8 2 6 4 – 12
Seth Tangeman 1 2 10 7 5 24

Roger Decker 7 0 10 7 3 20
Danny Glick 9 2 10 7 8 27 1st and move to AAA next match!
Keith Sebern 1 2 5 5 6 18
Greg Tryon 4 1 8 7 6 22
Chuck Deats 0 0 - - -
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