Here is the entry form for this fall's Texas 22BPCRA Fall Classic silhouette match held in Wortham Texas. This will be a THREE day match starting on Friday Oct 4th and running through Sunday Oct 6th. 60 shot matches with a 180 shot aggregate and we'll have daily medals as well as aggregate and the coveted buckle for the Iron and Scope Champion. If you have any questions feel free to contact Kenny Tebbe at for an entry form or any questions. There is a cap of 48 competitors so enter early. See you in a few weeks. KT
Texas 22 BPCRA Fall Classic
HOTSA Shooting Club 22 Range
Wortham, Texas
October 4th, 5th & 6th 2024
Name_____________________________________ (one name per form)
Street_____________________________________ City___________________ State_____ Zip________
E-mail_________________________________________ Phone _______________________________
1. This is a sanctioned 22BPCRA three-day match consisting of three 60 shot daily matches; 180 shot aggregate tournament. You MUST be a 22BPCRA member to register for this match. There WILL NOT be a BBQ supper this year.
2. 22 BPRCA dues are $16.00 per year. Please go to to join before the match.
3. Match Fees: Adult - $140.00 Junior - $70.00 (juniors are those 16 yr. old or younger). Single entries only as we expect to max, however we will allow dual entry on the morning of the match if space allows.
4. Amount enclosed, circle all that applies:
a. Adult $140.00
b. Junior (16 and younger) $70.00
c. Total - $_________ Personal check or Bank/Post Office Money Order to Kenny Tebbe
4. Entries are limited to 48 competitors and is on the “First Come, First Served” basis; 6 relays
5. 22BPCRA or NRA BPCR Classification (Circle one) Grand Master Master AAA AA A Unclassified
6. Sight (Circle which one you will shoot) Iron Sight Scope Sight
7. Special Class (Circle those that apply) Junior-16 yo or less; Senior (60-69yo); Super Senior (70+yo); Woman
8. Name of Spotter/ Partner 1. ___________________________________________
Squad With: 2.________________________________________________________
Make checks or money orders payable to: Kenny Tebbe
Mail entry forms and payment to: Kenny Tebbe 19936 White City Rd Staunton, IL 62088
Must be postmarked on or before Friday, September 20, 2024
Double entries will be allowed at the match if space is available.
The range is located at 182 FM246 Wortham Texas (David’s Ranch)
Texas Fall Classic 22BPCR Silhouette
- Tebbeman
- Posts: 219
- Joined: Tue Aug 15, 2006 11:20 am
- Location: Central Illinois...I miss Texas
Texas Fall Classic 22BPCR Silhouette
Only two defining forces have ever offered to die for you...Jesus Christ and the American Soldier. One died for your Soul & the other for your Freedom!
- Tebbeman
- Posts: 219
- Joined: Tue Aug 15, 2006 11:20 am
- Location: Central Illinois...I miss Texas
Re: Texas Fall Classic 22BPCR Silhouette
As of tonight we are down to 14 openings for this match and I don't see a lot of the local competitors names on the list. Please do not wait to enter, mail your entry form to me right now...please. We will start a waiting list once we're full. This year looks to be a lot of fun, three full days of competition with nice medals, buckles and prizes for the top dogs. The tip over targets have been tested this past Sunday with no issues (lessons learned from Raton this year) and we're ready. Remind your spouses that it is Canton weekend if they would like to make a day trip while you're shooting...I know my wife will be there loading up. If you have any questions or concerns, contact me at or you probably have my phone number. See you in a few weeks.
Kenny T.
As of tonight we are down to 14 openings for this match and I don't see a lot of the local competitors names on the list. Please do not wait to enter, mail your entry form to me right now...please. We will start a waiting list once we're full. This year looks to be a lot of fun, three full days of competition with nice medals, buckles and prizes for the top dogs. The tip over targets have been tested this past Sunday with no issues (lessons learned from Raton this year) and we're ready. Remind your spouses that it is Canton weekend if they would like to make a day trip while you're shooting...I know my wife will be there loading up. If you have any questions or concerns, contact me at or you probably have my phone number. See you in a few weeks.
Kenny T.
Only two defining forces have ever offered to die for you...Jesus Christ and the American Soldier. One died for your Soul & the other for your Freedom!
- Tebbeman
- Posts: 219
- Joined: Tue Aug 15, 2006 11:20 am
- Location: Central Illinois...I miss Texas
Re: Texas Fall Classic 22BPCR Silhouette
We now have 10 openings remaining for this fun match. The competition is stacking up like a mini-national championship with this list of competitors. If you hope to shoot, please get your entry form in now. We have some pretty awesome prizes for the winners as well as the really nice buckles. See you in a few short weeks.
Kenny T.
We now have 10 openings remaining for this fun match. The competition is stacking up like a mini-national championship with this list of competitors. If you hope to shoot, please get your entry form in now. We have some pretty awesome prizes for the winners as well as the really nice buckles. See you in a few short weeks.
Kenny T.
Only two defining forces have ever offered to die for you...Jesus Christ and the American Soldier. One died for your Soul & the other for your Freedom!