Day seven of the seven day shootin' fest

This is where you can place your scores from the matches. It uses an excel spread sheet! If you send me your sheet of scores I can put it on the forum and provide a link where everyone can view it.

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Joined: Thu Nov 20, 2014 10:44 am
Location: cheyenne, wy

Day seven of the seven day shootin' fest

Post by 40-65rl »

All good things must come an end and with that said, today was the seventh day of the seven day shootin’ fun fest at Cheyenne and Smithmoor. What a wonderful week of good friends enjoying each others company and the fellowship that BPCR shooters enjoy. Day two of the .22 BPCRA Rocky Mountain Regional Championship. Match winner today was Kevin Griggs, grand master was Jen Olivia, master was Dick Hennebry, AAA was Katy Stephenson who moved up to master, AA was Linda Dobkins, high A was Carrie Caskey. Aggregate winner Steve Anderson, Dick Hennebry Spotter. Winner of the king target was Richard Stephenson. Target was designed and provided by last years winner Craig Wolf. Winner of the Harold Forum turkey match was Jen Olivia besting Steve Anderson in a six person shoot off. very generous $1000 gift certificate was donated by Dan Zimmerman of DZ Arms. The lucky winner was Joe Kapler. Coralee will post a more complete list of all the winners in a week or so. She also has a ton more photos than I took. If you did not make it this year it will be back next August. Look for the flyer for the entire week schedule next spring. See .22 BPCRA face book page for lots of photos and the scoreboard.
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