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Re: Binocular hunting

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2013 2:08 pm
by Gussy
Interesting morning and something new.

I was watching a herd of 17 mule deer work the hill across from my house. About 9 am a couple of coyotes appeared on the upper ridge and started mousing down toward my house. They split up and one stayed high and the other started down a ridge towards the house. The deer took interest in him as he got closer. He started coming off the ridge and working towards me and I was thinking he might just get in range. At about 500 yds he started heading down a little draw, towards me and also the deer. The deer really started watching him.

He was around 400 yds and I was about ready to get the rifle and go out when a couple deer took a few steps towards him. At that point, the whole herd started after him. One in particlular wanted some coyote fur but several others were closing in too. They ran him out of town then settled back to feeding.