The tide is turning

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Re: The tide is turning

Post by Kurt »

So be it!
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Re: The tide is turning

Post by SFogler »

Amen mdeland. That's a great testimony (excuse the buzzword!) Thanks for sharing that.
Every morning I get to watch the deer and the wild turkeys wander through our yard and I thank Him for creating such beauty. He has led me through a lot including cancer but even through that I felt Him near and there was no fear. One of the highlights of our lives was when my wife and I got to go to Israel and walk where He walked and see what He saw. Amazing.
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Re: The tide is turning

Post by mdeland »

Well it's starting to turn with Texas and I think 19 other states joining and requesting the Supreme Court hear the constitutional argument of changing the election rules without the state governments duly required legal job of making election law. This can more than cancel enough fraud votes in four key states to give Trump a second term. He won out right plane and simple ,Judges and bureaucrats have no legal constitutional right to use a pandemic to arbitrarily change election law.
The truth is also coming out on Hunter Biden that is compromising the fake president elect to China, now that they think they have it in the bag.
I think the fun has just begun and can't wait for justice to prevail and some high minded folks to go to jail.
The evidence the fake new says does not exit is slowing mounting up on them and they're geting nervous! It's getting their shoes wet and when it gets knee deep they will really start to howl! :lol:
Keep praying, that's where the work really gets done!
Glen Ring
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Re: The tide is turning

Post by Glen Ring »

Oklahoma has joined in also. I am anxious to see what the big court decides to do. I LOVE reading high court decisions.
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Re: The tide is turning

Post by SSShooter »

Yes. To say nothing how clever "they" were to change all those fraudulent ballots to vote for Biden while still, on the very same ballots, re-electing all those GOP representatives & senators and defeating 7 sitting Dem representatives while not losing a single GOP held House race. Must have been all the help they received from those evil Venezuelans.
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Re: The tide is turning

Post by Coltsmoke »

I think a bunch of someones filled out a bunch of fake ballots and the ballots showed up in the middle of the night. All they done with the fake ballots was mark Biden for the president and did not take the time to fill the rest of the ballot out. That is how the GOP won what they did but Biden won the president part of the election. There is no way the GOP won those seats on the legal ballots and the voter voted for Biden on the same ballot for president. That is just more proof of the fraud that has taken place. There are 20 counties in the country that are called swing counties, Trump won 19 out of the 20 counties, he won Florida and he won Ohio, the GOP won all those seats, but Trump lost, there is no way that could have happened. Biden sat in his basement and got more votes than Hillary or Obama, that could not happen either. They would not let the poll watchers do their job, I wonder why. There was 13 pallets of ballots hauled from New York to Penn. I wonder why. All of this took place in the big cities that was run by Dems of 4 swing states, they stopped the counting and sent the poll watchers home, then started counting again. Trump was way ahead when we went to bed. Next day Trump lost big time. All of these magical ballots showed up. The Dems. knew all they had to do was take these 4 states away from Trump and they would have it in the bag. These 4 places were all run by the Dems. It was all planned out before the election started, they had a plan and they worked it. It was done in the right places that was controlled by Dems. I saw on TV where the security was physically removing poll watchers from the polling places. They had to stay in the marked off places so far back they could not see what was taking place, why? My God! Even Stevie Wonder knows this election was stolen from Trump. :?
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Re: The tide is turning

Post by Coltsmoke »

As far as I know at this point Ga. is not, but Atlanta is, Atlanta is totally run by Dems., that is where the plan was put in place. They don't have to run the whole state just the big cities, like I said in the previous post. That is where the fraud took place. By the actions of our Governor, I'm beginning to wonder if he has been bought and paid for, just wondering at this point. If he has, his true colors will show very soon, so, my answer about GA. being run by Dems., may change soon. Have you noticed, Ga. has not joined the Texas law suit, Hmmm. I'm wondering why not, 17 other states have.
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Re: The tide is turning

Post by Coltsmoke »

You must not understand or comprehend what you read, I told you who was in charge and put the plan in place. I didn't say I think the Governor has been bought, I said I'm wondering, that means the thought has entered my brain, did not say I had made up my mind about that thought. God didn't need a second son, Jesus Christ is the one and only way to the father, when he was on the cross and said,"It is finished." He was talking about the price for the sin of all man kind had been paid, no more sacrifices of animals on the alters. No need for another son as you say. I'm not sure at this point what the Governor is, but thank God he did beat Stacy Abrams, or the whole state would have been run by the Dems. Like I said he will show his true colors soon, then we will all know. You know what pisses me off about the Dems., they will elect people to run their cities and states and when it is all screwed up, they move out and go somewhere else. The stupid part is they want to bring all their idiot ideas with them and start it all over again.
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Re: The tide is turning

Post by Tomklinger »

We have a saying down here “Don’t New York my Florida” we have the same problem with idiot yanks down here....
Tom Klinger
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Re: The tide is turning

Post by Skip »

We have a saying here too: "You can tell a damn yankee, but not much!"
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Re: The tide is turning

Post by mdeland »

Today's luke warm conservative is tomorrows liberal and next years communist. You depart from Torah you head immediately toward depravity because as it says it is not in man to direct his own paths. When Prayer was removed from our schools in the 60's each generation has gone farther from the principles in Torah (old and new testament) that is why we got abortion, gay rights, aids , sars , ebolla and now covid. Each judgement gets bigger and effects more of the planet.
Adonai has given us a reprieve with Trump because some of the church was beseeching him and now we are in the valley of decision . We get serious about repentance, faith and prayer or we loose our nation. Same thing happened to Israel and Judah of old.
I believe there are enough of us who are praying and God will once again deliver us soon. He lets it get to the point of hopeless in the natural so that more people will see the turn around can only be his hand. The whole world is the audience now and when he moves the greatest revival/awakening in history will occur.
This is the greatest and most exciting time in history to be alive to witness it! Cheer up gang the best is yet to come!
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Re: The tide is turning

Post by mdeland »

I urge you all to look up and proclaim (speak it out loud into the air) Psalms 64. It directly applies to our present enemies. They're toast and don't even know it yet!
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Re: The tide is turning

Post by Coltsmoke »

That is exactly right, she is an honest person and was not put there to be a fix on anything, she was put there to do an honest job for the American people. So we do agree on something finally. :D
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Re: The tide is turning

Post by Coltsmoke »

Well looks like the Supreme court doesn't want to get involved in this mess, so I guess Ole Joe is in. So welcome to the United States of China. What!! What do you mean? Well his baby boy Hunter is under investigation which was hush hush until after the election was over, I think Ole Joe's brother is in it also. Wasn't the words used, The Big Man has to get his cut? Wonder who the Big Man was in all these deals, I bet Ole Joe knows. Well, who holds a lot of the cards about Ole Joe and Hunter and uncle, CHINA does!!! I would say China will get whatever they want to keep their month shut, can you say blackmail? I would expect all the tariffs on China put in place by Trump will disappear real quick. I saw a Chinese official on TV the other night telling a crowd that they had people in America at the top and made a joke about it, the crowd of Chinese was laughing at America. Wow, the AG didn't want to place his finger on the scales of the election to sway it in any way, his words not mine, so he kept everything quite. Not letting half the American people know who they were really voting for to be the POTUS, is that what his job is really about? But with all that being said, I think the Dems. know exactly what Ole Joe has done, but they were in a tight spot and he was all they had to put up as a front to run against Trump so they had to look the other way on the China Biden deals. They did team him up with Kamalla, oh, you thought Joe picked her, ha ha, she did say in all the debates Ole Joe was nothing but a racist, and she gave him more crap than any of the other canedates up there. Kamalla said if she was president, the first day in office she would put in place an Executive Order to take up all the guns. Kamalla was his pick for VP, come on, give me a break. Here's the real plan, Joe already said in an interview, this is on tape, If I ever disagree with Kamalla, I will resign. Wow! so who is really going to run the show, Joe? really, he has already told you who was boss. What was it Paul Harvey use to say at the end, Oh Yea! "Now you know the rest of the story." :wink:
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Re: The tide is turning

Post by mdeland »

No, Joe isn't in until inauguration day! Stop believing what the enemy wants you to think and confess.
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