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Re: The tide is turning

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2021 5:35 pm
by mdeland
Those leading were not Trump supporters, they were Antifa , Trump imitators and you have been conned. The whole deal was a set up by the enemy to make the general population think Trump was inciting insurrection. We have video footage of four white buss being escorted by patrol cars front and back unto the congressional grounds. You will not see this from the general media.
A continuation of the fraud perpetuated by the communists in this country. We have video footage of the so called grounds Police waving the crowd onto the grounds and then opening the doors to them.
Bison Boy who it seems to be the star in the media footage is Antifa and has been seen in Antifa uprisings numerous times. Use your head for a moment, what possible advantage could Trump gain from inciting a riot on congress, it would play right into the hands of the media as happened !

Re: The tide is turning

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2021 6:22 pm
by Ray Newman
“We have video footage of four white buss being escorted by patrol cars front and back unto the congressional grounds. You will not see this from the general media.

“We have video footage of the so called grounds Police waving the crowd onto the grounds and then opening the doors to them.”

Call me skeptical:
--Who is “we”?
--Where is the video? Got a link?
--Have you seen this video?

Re: The tide is turning

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2021 7:02 pm
by CO
I saw the video of the doors being held open by Capital Police or imitators and I saw barricades being moved so busses could move in closer and unload. It was live tv and lots of us saw it happen live but haven’t seen it since. I’m sorry the policeman or anyone else got killed or
Injured, but if I had been in that crowd and the police had already shot and killed an unarmed woman , I would have had to assume that I was fighting for my life. In that situation anything goes.,

Re: The tide is turning

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2021 7:31 pm
by bobw
CptCurl wrote: Sun Jan 10, 2021 6:57 am All of my sympathy and respect goes out to Capitol Police Officer Brian D. Sicknick and his family.

Officer Sicknick died at the hands of a Trump supporter, his head bashed in by a fire extinguisher.

I don't have a link either but 20 minutes a go I read that his autopsy showed he died of a stroke after the fight not because he was beaten with a fire extinguisher. There is a tremendous amount of false information out there being pushed for political gain. Bobw

The officer was bravely protecting our democracy.

If you are hearing voice commands in your head, you need help. This crisis is no fantasy.

RIP Officer Sicknick, an American patriot in the truest sense of the word.


Re: The tide is turning

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2021 7:50 pm
by Michael Johnson
How is dying of a stroke during a fight with protestors any less of a murder than being shot by a gun? By the way, there is video of this officer being struck by a fire extinguisher after a protestor took his helmet.These protestors are all scum as well as all of the people trying to defend their actions.You all should be ashamed of yourselves.We are better than this.

Re: The tide is turning

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2021 8:02 pm
by Michael Johnson
When I voted for Trump in 2016 it was partly because he aligned himself with law and order. I guess it does not apply if he disagrees with law enforcement. What an imbecile!

Re: The tide is turning

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2021 8:11 pm
by mdeland
Your drinking the Koolaid Mike!

Re: The tide is turning

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2021 8:14 pm
by Michael Johnson
And Mdeland, you sir are batshit crazy. Your guy lost and you just cannot come to grips with it. Get over it. Life goes on. Did you enjoy your trip to DC?

Re: The tide is turning

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2021 8:23 pm
by mdeland
Ray, bring up Flash point on the Victory channel for last Thursday for the videos I spoke off. The media will not show this . You are systematically having the truth censored by Big tec and the media. But all they're really doing is causing the berth of new networks that will expose the truth.
You want to stop the spreading of the Gospel then persecute the believers ,nothing spreads Gods word faster, as history proves time and again.
Your about to get a front row seat in a really big show and it's begun! The next three months are going to be a Lou Lou! :lol:

Re: The tide is turning

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2021 8:30 pm
by mdeland
No , you are wrong about that and oh so much more but what then can be expected from a unregenerate-ed soul ! I'll be there for you Mike when and if the light ever comes on in you . God is alive , moving in our nation and the whole world and he love you! :lol:

Re: The tide is turning

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2021 8:48 pm
by mdeland
By the way, my emogy's are joy not mockery when I use them !

Re: The tide is turning

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2021 9:17 pm
by mdeland
Think what is happening , why is every one with a conservative view being banned from by Twitter, Facebook and probably Parlor and yet the ayatollahs , BLM and Antifa are fine, think something is up with that all of a sudden? Dah!! The reason is the Truth is exploding and they can't contain it any more. The rats are deserting a sinking ship , the jig is up! They will turn on each other before this is over to stay out of prison and some will leave the country to avoid prosecution .
Michael the Arch angel and his army were released today by Adonia in response to the prayers of the believers that stood tough, to war on our behalf and the enemy fur is going to fly. I'm convinced that Trump is God's choice for the next four years and we better get used to the idea ! Man,what a time to be alive and witness all this ! :lol:

Re: The tide is turning

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2021 9:21 pm
by Michael Johnson
Hey Mdeland, whatever you say must be correct. I love you man. You are the messiah! Whatever.

Re: The tide is turning

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2021 9:32 pm
by Ray Newman
Deland: I found the Flash Point Victory Channel on YouTube, but could not find the videos for last Thurs. Help us out with a link(s)....

Re: The tide is turning

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2021 9:35 pm
by mdeland
No, your afraid of what it means if the prophets got it right and what I'm telling you is true. There is only one Messiah and his name is Yeshua (Jesus) if you like ! If you had any real sense and intelligence you would ask him to come into you this very moment and stop with the ridiculous post of loving me. Your incapable of his love without his spirit living inside your heart.
Have you got the courage to ask him, Yeshua , if you are real than would you prove to me that what MD is telling me is true. If you mean it he will! :lol: