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Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2007 12:30 pm
by Bad Bill
I still can't find anything about who the law-breakers were or if any were actually arrested. Only that the shooter was from Topeka with Shawnee county plates. Also, that he had rented a hunting cabin near the crime scene. This almost makes one suspect a politician or public figure or employee was involved. For me it is far from settled or solved. They say no info will be released until actual charges have been made. Does this mean they haven't made actual charges?

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2007 3:57 pm
by Gary M.

Sorry, thought I had posted this. Keep in mind, this is rural Kansas, we don't try folks in the newspaper and information is released when appropriate. :wink: ... e_cleared/

Note, an estimated 750 people showed up at the service out of a town of 938 population. That we should all deserve such respect. ... art_grief/

Tallperson, I found the link to the "Eyes In The Woods" program and have forwarded it to a KDWP contact. Thank you,

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 7:30 am
by Gary M.

Thought I might pass along a couple of articles from the local newspaper in Emporia KS. Might give you an idea of what it's like to live in a place where sanity is still running rampant. ... tmas_wish/ ... irst_deer/

Enjoy and Happy New Year to all.

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 10:56 am
by RMulhern
[quote="Gary M."]Gentlemen,

Thought I might pass along a couple of articles from the local newspaper in Emporia KS. Might give you an idea of what it's like to live in a place where sanity is still running rampant.

[url] ... tmas_wish/[/url]

[url] ... irst_deer/[/url]

Enjoy and Happy New Year to all.[/quote]

Gary M.

My hats off to the folks doing a good duty! :lol: :lol:

Boy...I'd bet they just have dozens of these programs up in Washington, DC and New York City!! :roll: :shock: :roll:

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 10:52 am
by Plundering Bill
I feel all of your concerns. I have 4 sons and several properties that are in our family that only myself and my sons hunt. There have been times that we have had to chase "hunters" off our properties that are posted no trespassing. One of the larger properties we hunt has a large field beside a dirt road that has frequently suffered from road "hunters".

One of the things that upset me the most is when I find a deer carcus with only the rack removed. It has happened several times on our land.

Acts like this are both sickening and sad. We did get some help from the local game wardens for a while. They placed a "robo-deer" in that large field listed above. The "robo-deer" was a fake antlered buck that would move its head and closely mimick a real buck. The caught several road "hunters" that way.

Overall, I have tried to teach my sons the proper ethics of hunting. To me, one of the most important qualities one must have is not knowing when to shoot, rather knowing when not to shoot. We track our game and never over-hunt an area. We hunt for enjoyment and meat value. When our freezer is full in the fall, our hunting is dramitically reduced to simple enjoyment...easy hunts such as squirrel...six squirrels make and excellent fry!

What I am trying to say here is that sickening as it is...bad people do bad things. What makes it worse is that these bad people generally have kids that are not tought what I deem proper ethics then they do bad things. At some point we have to figure out better ways to get people to follow the rules. I am just not sure how.

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 11:40 am
by Bad Bill
Plundering Bill -It is surely horrible what6 you have experienced and have to put up with. I don't know how you can force people to follow the rules, but letting them go free for misdeeds doesn't help anything. So far no charges have been brought against the guy and guys who shot that kid with a rifle - and this after two weeks. Also, they are still calling it a "Hunting accident" which is an affront to all true hunters. It is a criminal act! To me this sounds like a coverup in the making. Seeing the guy rented a hunting shack near his hometown sounds like he has money - is he a banker or politician and they want to wash this under the rug?

Gary - the hunting courses and such are commendable. Only, how wise is it to hunt near a nuclear reactor, esp. by young kids. Those things leak radiation and plenty of 5 legged frogs and three antlered deer have been found near them. Kids are especially sensitive to being hit by radiation as they are growing up and can pass on genetic mutations. This really sounds like propaganda ploy by the Nuclear Power plant!

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 2:54 pm
by Gary M.
Plundering Bill,

Get out and do something positive for change, write an editorial before next deer season, and encourage your family who have experienced these things, to encourage others for change! Legally of course. :wink:

Bad Bill,

Sorry, but we don't want to go there unless one of us is has a background in physics etc. I feel I could trust the NRC to not allow such hunts if it was dangerous.

As far as punishing the bad guys, It's probably a good thing I am not in charge. If you have studied history, you will understand how folks think. They want even more today than ever, to have immediate "closure" for any event, so they can "move on". The best defensive move a bad guy's Lawyer can take is to delay, delay, and delay some more. People mellow and forget, and "forgive". Sorry but it's true. Look at politics and politicians, it's obvious to those who are aware. Why there was a president in our lifetime who "grossly" insulted the office and our trust while a foreign "dignitary" patiently awaited. Then he tried to lie his way out of it, and today he is touted as some kind of a saint by some, and held in contempt by those of us who place ultimate importance on honor and integrity. And never forget, the only one that knows the whole story is the bad guy, the investigators are next in the knowlege trail and we will be last, and our knowlege will be presented to us by those who have heard, "interpreted", and put it into language so "we" can "comprehend".

I worked in the X-ray field for 25 years as an Engineer, and during that 25 years I received on my Radiation Badge less exposure than I would have received during one chest x-ray. This was in direct conflict with several articles published during the same 25 years. Where I am going is, as in Global Warming, lets leave the facts to the experts and glean our knowlege from them.

I was really proud of and impressed by the article from the local Hunter Ed instructor and his comments. As a Hunter Ed instructor myself for 18 years, I think this is the way most of us can have a positive impact on our hunting problems. Unfortunately, the impact may not be immediate, but one at a time, we may be able to change things.

All in all, anything postive we can do is one more positive step. That is what will count in the long run.


Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 9:58 am
by Gary M.

Read this carefully, it is interesting to say the least. Knowing what we know, we can learn more. Also read the comments after the article. Very interesting. I am always encouraged and discouraged with folks who comment. Everyone has an adjenda. What do you want to bet they ask for a change of venue to a metropolitan area? ... ges_filed/


Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 12:58 pm
by Tallperson
Thanks Gary for the update.... The comments after the article were very interesting.... I noticed not one comment in favor of leniency, or that it was just an "unfortunate accident".... It also appears the "good old boys" had plenty of time to cook up a "story" for why they were shooting into a field of goose DECOYS???..... Maybe someone accidently left their coyote decoy out in the field..... Yeah right!!! Good ol tommy needs to spend some serious time in the graybar hotel.. Tallperson


Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 5:42 pm
Gary M
Well I know just how you of feb last year I opened what is now call The Cross Four Wildlife Ranch with two friends of mine from church. After taking over the property we installed gate's posted signs and the like that you also have done .We started off by having our gates cut food plots tore up by four wheelers and it goes on well sitting in my stand had two shots from the road go right near my tree stand. Have been told by the locals that we have hunted that land and you will not stop us.So I know just how you feel ! All I can say is don't give in.We cantacted the local forester and now have a few people watching the land most of the time . We also notified the town board that we will call the police in if dose not stop . and also talked to the state police who are now keeping a watch on the roads. for people stopped near or around the place .the ranch is 600 acres and will be taking on more,this next year. It got so bad had 30 of the 4 wheelers come right out and threten myself and another well they stopped after seeing the highwall on the quad. with all this said don't give in its betting better as time go's on. Larry Nowicki Cross Four Wildlife Ranch N.Y.

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 10:38 am
by Tallperson
SHOOTINGSTIX since you have been threatened on your own property it appears as if installation of some barbed wire in the right spots would let you know exactly who is trespassing on your property.... They would most likely be right there... probably in more than one piece , but oh well
Good luck and good hunting.. Tallperson


Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 3:06 pm
Wire would work but deflation devices sure did for the four wheelers after they kept getting flat tires. the trafic sure slowed down .and the next time i met up with them i ws sure to have my high wall with me.

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2008 6:42 pm
by Bad Bill
I don't want to hang the guy but you can see how they are working towards leniency because of the "hunting accident" which they still call it . For one thing, they didn't charge him with a Federal Felony offense (shooting a migrating goose without a license) because he said he was shooting at a coyote. Sounds like BS, for sure. Plus, the passengers didn't get charged and all of them kept silent and didn't turn themselves or him in. That's a crime too! I think Steve Garby has it right in his previous post of how to handle things!

Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2008 7:06 am
by Gary M.

Well, even in Kansas, things in the Court System can move slower than one thinks it should. That being said, I am somewhat surprised that things are moving this fast. ... s_hearing/

Six months makes it obvious that the bad guy may be resigned to his fate. Will be interesting if there is a plea bargain brought forth, but in this small community, I don't think a prosecutor would be that dumb if he wished to be re-elected.

June 23rd, I will keep you all posted.


Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2008 10:45 am
by Bad Bill
Gary, thank you for posting this - I had checked a couple of times and tried to find out what had happened or if there had been a trial. I put Beau Arndt - the kid killed -into google, but nothing new was there.

I feel sure this was really an accident, but a dumb one.
It sounds like the guys hid out for 3 days and didn't come forth, hoping to escape. That was bad enough. Still, I'm leaning towards leniency of sorts - maybe 6 months hard labor breaking rocks or working on a road gang for the shooter. Looks like the others get off scott free? a month each for them If I was judge. Why completely ruin their lives. Is it anymore worse than if they had driven a car and accidently swerved and killed the kid due to inattention or cell phones?
These are just my opinions and can be changed and swayed by the facts.