The tide is turning

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Re: The tide is turning

Post by mdeland »

Utube ,Flash point, Victory channel, last Thursday 1-7-21 with ,I think the host is Jene Baily and his guest hosts were Kat Kerr (pink hair) this gal is radical but she prophesied accurately about Trumps election in 16, I think she said , before he was the candidate , Dutch sheets. Lance Wallnau , Hank Kunnamamn and Morris Morrillo. It's a 90 minute segment that starts out with Trumps denunciation of the congress assault.
Unless it's been taken down I watched it again just last night so it should be there. I just pulled it up and it's going now on another of my puter windows. Click on the 2nd American stands segment after you get into Flash point.
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Re: The tide is turning

Post by semtav »

I dont recall Jesus promising us peace and prosperity in our life on earth , he warned of just the opposite.
Only peace of mind of where we will be after this life.

I hope you arent letting some false prophet slip thru in your hope that Trump prevails.
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Shadow 4
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Re: The tide is turning

Post by Shadow 4 »

mdeland wrote: Sun Jan 10, 2021 9:17 pm Think what is happening , why is every one with a conservative view being banned from by Twitter, Facebook and probably Parlor and yet the ayatollahs , BLM and Antifa are fine, think something is up with that all of a sudden? Dah!! The reason is the Truth is exploding and they can't contain it any more. The rats are deserting a sinking ship , the jig is up! They will turn on each other before this is over to stay out of prison and some will leave the country to avoid prosecution .
Michael the Arch angel and his army were released today by Adonia in response to the prayers of the believers that stood tough, to war on our behalf and the enemy fur is going to fly. I'm convinced that Trump is God's choice for the next four years and we better get used to the idea ! Man,what a time to be alive and witness all this ! :lol:
Suggestion dland, take about 3 steps down from that ladder you're standing on, your head might come out of the clouds, for whatever you're looking for up there, you might actually be able to see what the f'k is going on down here!!!!!
mdeland wrote: Sun Jan 10, 2021 9:35 pm If you had any real sense and intelligence ...............................................................
Take a quick look in the mirror would ya, you won't find any there :wink:
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Re: The tide is turning

Post by mdeland »

No, my trust is never in any man, Trump sits down to crap just like you and me but Gods anointing and favor is on him for the job ahead to save this nation. He has stood with God all through his four years, moving the embassy to Jerusalem was a huge deal to Adonai, that many presidents had promised but only Trump delivered on. He also took a stand against Planned Parenthood which is the most evil organization in our country that has killed over 60 million Americans and their blood cries out from the ground against us. Adonai will stand by him and no one can stop what he is going to do.
charlie young
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Re: The tide is turning

Post by charlie young »

And China, Russia, North Korea and Iran can just sit back and watch us destroy ourselves from within, and you people on here are a perfect example of how its going to be done.
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Re: The tide is turning

Post by mdeland »

Well boys, one thing for sure, if the prophets heard wrong and I believed them then I'll have a lot of crow to eat and the Grizzly bears will have to listen to me, but if they got it right and I shared the good new with you then it will be 100 percent Adonais victory and we will be celebrating!
Besides I'm not above sack cloth and ashes if that's what he wants to happen, but I won't have to look any one in the eye in heaven and say I didn't stand with Adonai when he ask me to and I won't have to look any of those 60 million dead Americans in the face and say I did nothing to try and stop their deaths as I've been fight the abortionist for 40 years! Been called every name in the book often by other believers that would not take a stand but by his grace my knees have not bowed to the Satan (enemy).
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Re: The tide is turning

Post by mdeland »

No their not Charlie! When Adonai is done they will be crapping their collective drawers ! The Chi-coms, not the people of china ,are going to get a real come-up-ence and the rest will fall in line until the time of the Anti-Christ but I believe that is a way off yet!
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Re: The tide is turning

Post by charlie young »

Well Mike, you are probably answering me, and since I have you blocked, I have no idea what ur are saying and really don't care.
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Shadow 4
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Re: The tide is turning

Post by Shadow 4 »

mdeland wrote: Sun Jan 10, 2021 10:30 pm Well boys, one thing for sure, if the prophets heard wrong and I believed them then I'll have a lot of crow to eat and the Grizzly bears will have to listen to me, but if they got it right and I shared the good new with you then it will be 100 percent Adonais victory and we will be celebrating!
Besides I'm not above sack cloth and ashes if that's what he wants to happen, but I won't have to look any one in the eye in heaven and say I didn't stand with Adonai when he ask me to and I won't have to look any of those 60 million dead Americans in the face and say I did nothing to try and stop their deaths as I've been fight the abortionist for 40 years! Been called every name in the book often by other believers that would not take a stand but by his grace my knees have not bowed to the Satan (enemy).
Don't act like you're the only one fighting
I've been fighting since I turned 18, it's called,...............your VOTE, which after last November, isn't worth the roll of toilet paper it's printed on.
I've never seen someone so wrong on so many things

Trump won't be inaugurated on the 20th, he won't last past Wednesday

And I didn't have to consult Adonai

Quit mixing the prescription drugs & booze
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Re: The tide is turning

Post by mdeland »

Be sure and catch the next Flash Point as they are going to have Joel Oatman on with forensic evidence of the the fraud and how Antifa was involved.
Joel infiltrated the Antifa organization as a reporter and got evidence of how they were involved in the vote fraud. Should be very interesting!
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Re: The tide is turning

Post by mdeland »

I can only say what I am believing and doing I have never thought I was the only one in the battle but I can sure discern who is with me and who is not!
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Re: The tide is turning

Post by mdeland »

I've never understood being so afraid of opposing thought I had to block it. I bet you will un-block in a hurry when the prophetic words prove to be true ! Pure cowardly behavior fellas ! Just skip it if your not interested, good grief!
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Re: The tide is turning

Post by mdeland »

Oh,by the way, voting is necessary and important but it is entry level involvement in warring against Planned Parenthood. It takes continual prayer and putting your body on the line at times to save innocent life. Those of us who have been to jail a couple of times and seen how the courts treated us by letting felons free to make room for those of us numbering over 60 that had never had any violation worse than traffic tickets, get a real look at cost and even that is minuscule to those who have given their physical life for the cause.
Ray Newman
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Re: The tide is turning

Post by Ray Newman »

Found the video cast that Deland mentioned. It is 90 minutes long --

I didn't see any buses off loading people. At about 4 minutes, 17 seconds, there is someone motioning for people to move forward on to the capitol grounds. But I can not tell if that is a LEO or what. I watched the video and all I heard was a bunch of preaching and blaming Antifa for the ensuing riot/demonstration, but without any real proof. The old saying "money talks and BS walks" came to my mind.

All things considered, C.S.lewis was right when he wrote:

“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.” -- C.S. Lewis,1898-1963

Other Lewis quotes:
For those not familiar with Lewis:
Grand PooBah
WA ST F. E. S.

In real life may you be the bad ass that you claim to be on social media....
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Re: The tide is turning

Post by mdeland »

I was watching these videos back to back and you are correct the buses portion I mentioned, being escorted were not on the Flash point program which was my mistake. My wife called me over to her puter screen to watch it and i was thinking I saw it on flash point, when I find it I will post the source. It shows four white charter buses with two, what looks like, state police cars escorting them onto the capitol grounds. This most certainly was not Trump supporters in the buses being given a police escort onto capitol grounds. It could not have been the national guard as they dd not show up till much later I was told. Actually I never did see any national guard troops being deployed at all let alone in that time frame.
Course you can probably come up with a different interpretation if you if you try hard enough as it did not show them exiting in the video. It was probably some lost sight seeing tourist with a police escort during the rally being escorted unto capitol grounds. That is much more believable.
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