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Lodi Wis. Mid-range Regional NRA Match results

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2014 6:25 pm
by Distant Thunder
This was a prone match shot at 200, 300, and 600 on Saturday and again on Sunday, June 14 & 15.
Conditions were challenging both days with variable and gusting winds and while there was a threat of rain on Sunday it never got past the dark skies and a few rumbles of thunder. Mark Schuenke and Cliff Gregg run a very smooth match and kept us moving just in case the rain ever did materialize. I've never seen a better run or friendlier match than what these two guys put on. Others pitched in when and where needed to help make it a great weekend. If you haven't ever been to Lodi for a match you should really consider coming, it's a great time at a really beautiful range.

On to the scores:

1st place was Robert Walline with an aggregate of 567-23X. Bob used a C. Sharp 1875 in 45-90. I pulled target and spotted for Bob and I can see why some people don't like the 1875 rifles, they can flat out shoot!

2nd place was Jim Kluskens with 566-21X, that would be me. I used my newly built Hepburn in 45-70 and my 540 grain paper patched bullet made for this rifle. I can give more detail on my load if you'd like, no need to bore the uninterested here. Bob had just a little bit better spotter! :lol:

3rd place was taken by Mark Schuenke with 554-15X. Mark's rifle, I believe, is a 45-70 built on an original high wall action. How he can shoot that well while helping to run things is beyond me and it is a well run match.

We had some new faces in the group and we had many other fine scores posted as well.

If you interested in attending any of the three matches Cliff and Mark put on each year I'd be happy to see you get contact info if you need it.