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Ridgway April 2015

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2015 6:02 pm
by 45bpcr
Congratulations to Brian Chilson, winner of the April 2015 match at Ridgway with a score of 34. It was a cool spring day, with partial sunshine and variable breezes. Dave Heeter took 2nd Open with a 25, and John O'Donnell earned 3rd Open with a 24. Brian also won 1st Scope with a score of 30. Complete results are below.

We sent out a survey to Ridgway shooters a couple months ago, and have sent the results to participants. If you'd like to see a copy, email Carolyn at A few tidbits:

Some people don't come because they lack a spotter. We can fix that - just show up!
If you can come the day before the match and bring some extra ammo, you might get someone new hooked on BPCR.
Observers at the matches are always welcome.
The club will waive the match fee for any unregistered shooter. In other words, the first match is on the house!
We're looking forward to seeing old and new friends in May!

Craig Duncan

Match Director, Ridgway BPCR

603-434-5796 (weekdays)

603-845-9727 (cell)
ridgway 4-15.jpg