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Desert Deuce's advice

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2021 6:56 pm
by Gussy
In the Quigley Bound thread page 4 DD had some advice about hydration. Follow it!!

An observation on hydration:
I arrived at the Q site Sunday, nice day had plenty to drink.

Shot Monday 100+ degrees, barrel so hot you couldn't touch it. Fired 80 rounds. Neither rifle had anything but a couple specs of lead. I drank quite a bit but didn't put any extra down.

Tuesday, nice day, 80s. Mouth felt dry. Fired around 100. Both rifles had lead and required extra cleaning. I did put extra water down, quite a bit extra.

Thursday-Sunday, kept putting extra water down. Fired several hundred rounds. Did not feel mouth dryness at all. Near 0 leading, couple specs when I cleaned at the end of the day.

You're dry, the barrel is dry!