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2024 WSU/DSA Winter League Rimfire Postal Match - Dec. 26 - April 1

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2023 12:11 pm
by 4065shooter
Attention, The WSU/DSA winter league postal match is on. John Scott of the Davenport Schuetzen Assoc. has again graciously offered to tally scores. Several start shooting now, however, April 1 is the deadline for turning in ten (10) complete scores. One sheet with 6 targets = one score, 5 shots/target.
Annual Winter League 22 RF Postal Match- Wyoming Schuetzen Union/Davenport Shooting Assoc.   
(POSTAL MATCH means it's by mail/email only.  Shoot at home or local range and just email scores in.  It's totally an honor system thing.
Please send equipment and score info to John Scott at:
Until otherwise notified, scores will be found at:

Cartridge: 22 Long Rife or 22 short.
Match Period: Dec. 26 - April 1.  (some start early and that's ok.)
Course of fire: 10 scores of 50 shots each. Many shoot 1 or 1 x 50 shot targets per week within the match period, however, you can shoot more or less, the goal is ten scores by April 1. 
Score calculation format: i.e. 1177.009. 1177 = points & .009 = X count or 9 X’s. One sheet with 6 targets = one score, 5 shots/target. Range/distance: 50 feet.
Position: Offhand only, no slings. Palm rest/schuetzen rifle format LEGAL.
Target: 6 BULL 50ft. Gallery Target, placing 5 shots/bull. Target center X(25) is 1/4 inch diameter. All rings are 1/8 inch increments. 2 1/4 inch total diameter. Can be printed from multiple sources or purchased at SPG Sales:
( ... ing-target)
Team: Three man team based but Two man teams recognized. Individual scores will also be posted. Individual shooters will be teamed up as possible with other individuals to for two or three person teams.
Awards: Bragging rights.
Team Classes: Traditional & Open, based on rifle. Class based on minimum of two of shooters of team. Traditional usually = pre-1898 single shots, Open = everything else.
Open Iron Sight- OIS
Open Any Sight- OAS
Traditional Any Sight-TAS
Traditional Iron Sight-TIS
Please submit equipment list: Rifle, Sights, Ammo. (Preserve our history)
Primary Contact for scores:   John Scott at:

Current Score Update Link:

Secondary Contact:

Thanks and Hold Center
Larry Baker Jr.
SPG Sales
PO Box 745
Kirksville, MO 63501