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Legal Shooting Aid?

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2004 7:12 am
by deerhuntsheatmeup
Guys, 2 yrs ago when I started this BP Shooting game, Squire P. loaned me a LRE in 40-65 that was a great shooting rifle. It had on the buttplate a piece of seemingly gritty material. I found out later that this is the anti-slip material that is put on the wings of military aircraft so the technicians and such could walk on the wing in inclement weather without slipping. Is this legal in BPCR? If so, I have aquired a limited quantity of this stuff and it really helps the rifle hold still on the shoulder in any position I have tried it. But I don't want to install it on my rifle's if it is illegal.

I would like to know if anyone has an answer to this question!

Later, David Barfield

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2004 9:16 am
by MLV
David: You're ok. I have on my rifles the stuff that they sell for the edges of steps so they aren't slick, and they have all passed muster at Raton.

PS: Just a heads up. That stuff will wear your clothes. My Buffalo Arms shooting pad is worn through and my leather jacket that I wear during spring and fall here in Montana is almost worn through. So you might not want to wear your formal attire while shooting.


Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2004 9:36 am
by deerhuntsheatmeup
Thanks for the heads up on the attire. Mrs. deerhuntsheatsmeup would consider it a public service if something would tear up my shirts I normally shoot in. She knows that when I leave the house to go shooting, no other woman that could cause marital bliss would be seen in public or private with me. Not that I don't have good taste, I just don't have ANY taste, especially when it come to close shooting buddies or shooting attire.

If any off our group of South MS. shooters takes offense at this, You knew you were low life vermin before I came along. The truth just hurts sometimes......LOLOLOLOLOL I got ya'll!

Later, David Barfield