
Share your tales (tall or otherwise) of hunting adventures.

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Joined: Fri Feb 13, 2004 9:03 am
Location: ND


Post by bulldog »

Maybe its the warm spell, but sure been seeing them rabbits. Fat ones too. Not that you need the 'ol 45-70, seeing a .22 will do, but still, it's quite a challenge. Fer one thing, you can't go ding, ding, ding with the BPCR the way the .22 can. You think you can't hit a chicken, try a rabbit. Then, remember to shoot high to not spoil the meat. These eatin rabbits. Make sure yer way aways from any farms or highways too. Best to hunt in a riverbed or gullly. Course you guys all got yer own likins fer huntin. At least you can get out an walk around - maybe down a tumbleweeded fence row snowed up. Guess I fergit - some you gys mighten be in Florida - well then, guess you might go where theres gaters or them big rat things near the swamps - suppose they still have swamps or some place like it. I don't envy ya cept sometimes might be nice to get really hot. Sometin to be said for walkin and sweating in the cold too - especially on a sunny spell. Invigerating and ya feel ya did somethign worthwhile - looking for coyotes, for instance. Now with a scoped .243 they hardly have a chance-unless yer horseback-, so I recommend offhand with the Sharps if ya want a sport. If ya really want a sport, try gettin a picture with a camera! Most of us haven't evolved that far or have the patience or skill. Not me, fer sure. I don't shoot up close with any gun, but won't tell you what to do. Anyway, got up into the 20's darn near so's I' expecting mud soon enough. Now that's hunting - having 5 lbs of mud on each foot. Ya know ya been doing something. Not like watching tv when it's over. Well, got to go gettin if Im going to have that rabbit. Just keeping the talk goin.
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