The tide is turning

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The tide is turning

Post by mdeland »

Just as the Dimms, Rhinos and deep stater's have lied , cheated and stolen for the last 4 years, they were at it again in this election. They have been caught in massive election fraud and the lying media cannot cover it up any more as eye witness testimony and affidavits are popping up by the hundreds all over the country. State legislators are holding hearings and the proof of voter fraud is becoming over whelming.
What your witnessing is actually a spiritual battle in the heavens being played out on the earth as believers all over the world are calling on God to have his way. It's not really about Trump as he is only a vessel God is currently using to save the nation. It is really about backing believers into a corner and testing wither or not we have the will to pray and have faith to procure the right out come. If we loose this country it is squarely the fault of us believers who are on the earth to be salt and light to a lost world and have the faith to cause God to work his will in the sight of all.
Had Trump won in a land slide the church would not be tested , corruption not as acutely exposed and the coming judgement not meted out to the nations criminals in high places.
I am very excited to watch Adonia do what is impossible in the natural realm, in plain sight, for all the world to see in the coming weeks!
Actually were already seeing it with three vaccines at 95 percent effective in less than a year. That folks is a miracle!
Look at our economy, we should be in depression but wall street just hit 30K. Best in the whole world!
What an exiting time to be alive! :lol:
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Re: The tide is turning

Post by kwilliams »

Yes exciting and depressing at the same time. We are in the land of milk and honey but I can still cannot buy primers but drugs are everywhere.
Sure glad that the WW2 combat vets for the most part have missed this debacle.
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Re: The tide is turning

Post by mdeland »

Ah, they'd be fine, people are the same as they have always been, only technology changes. Had our age been subject to the same times and cultural influences as they were the result would be the same. Evolutionary enlightenment is a myth and mans moral behavior is cyclical ever learning and yet never able to find the truth out side of our creator.
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Re: The tide is turning

Post by kwilliams »

Sorry but my dad and uncles would have been livid....almost fighting mad watching this particular mess unfold. A different generation and a different perspective I suppose. They at least trusted their gov't. to do what is right and conscionable, perhaps a little naive.
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Re: The tide is turning

Post by mdeland »

The same crap has always been going on in our society and reflected in our government but was able to be covered up because technology infancy allowed it. Our fathers were no better than we are morally they were just less informed and raise in a more moral culture. Look at how the Romans started out and how far into depravity they sank in a thousand years. The same cycle has been repeated in culture after culture all over the world through out history.
When man leaves God he soon falls into and by his own devices. The Hebrews and now the modern church are prime examples, only turning back to Torah ( instruction of God, Old and New Testament) and applying it's principles to our personal lives will make a difference.
I think we are on the cusp of another great revival, perhaps on a world scale as we near the end of the Gentile age.
Randy Bohannon
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Re: The tide is turning

Post by Randy Bohannon »

We are a country of political wills not laws, say or think what you want the fact remains we have never been a ‘rule of law’ country ,nice concept with no application. Laws are used and bastardized when the politics of the day are contentious or their is some nefarious scam attached . Always look for the scam it is there, it’s always there.
Steve Sudbeck
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Re: The tide is turning

Post by Steve Sudbeck »

The corrupt are confident that they will prevail because they know that the extent of the price that they will pay for their corruption is that they will be bad-mouthed on some blog.
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Re: The tide is turning

Post by SFogler »

It is really about backing believers into a corner and testing wither or not we have the will to pray and have faith to procure the right out come. If we loose this country it is squarely the fault of us believers who are on the earth to be salt and light to a lost world and have the faith to cause God to work his will in the sight of all.
I agree mdeland, but the believers better show up fast. The prayer and faith had better have some action with it. The Bible says faith without works is dead. The Dims think the Trumpers are just blowhards on talk radio that really won't stand up in the street and actually do anything; they have been right up to now. The believers have no equivalent or alternative to CNN, Google, Twitter, Facebook, or any other national media; Fox News? Really? They have Antifa and the rest of the Nazi thugs in the street and we have what? Rush? Hannity? Tucker? The believers have churches with pastors who won't preach because they are afraid they'll lose their tax exemption. The believers and Trump had the last four years to head this election fraud off knowing it was coming after the shenanigans of the Dims in the past. Didn't happen. How many recall elections were held when the Dim governors went crazy with COVID restrictions, emptied the prisons on the streets, and killed thousands in nursing homes? None. They go to rich parties and violate their own COVID restrictions and do it without consequence. The Dims think if they can get rid of the one guy they hate the conservatives and believers will meekly fade away. Is that going to be true? I too pray it will not be so, but so far it seems it will. The believers seem content to wait for Sydney, Q-Anon, "military intelligence", or some other BS to jump up and save us. Most people are assuming this is just Trump's sour grapes, this will blow over, and Biden will take over in January on schedule. They have no idea what is going to happen to this country if the socialists can go at it full throttle. The evidence of the fraud better come out in an undeniable and massive way or we'll be just another failed socialist state in a few years. There will never be another honest election if this one isn't fixed NOW! This isn't about Trump; it is about Americans saving the system that allows the will of the people be be expressed in an honest and forthright way. Looking at the appointments Biden is planning for his administration - there might not be another election at all.
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Re: The tide is turning

Post by mdeland »

We need to stop listening to the secular news even Fox and get tuned into the millions of believers web sites and Pod casts on the internet that are beseeching heaven with prayer around the clock. Huge prayer gatherings and rallies are happening all around the country to reveal the hidden evidence and strengthen the legal army and give the state legislatures and judges some back bone. This is the same kind of army of believers and angels that actually defeated HItler and turned the tide in WWII at crucial points when all could have easily been lost in spite of our military might. D-day and Bastogne come to mind.
Start listening to prophetic words and dreams spoken by reliable people with an accurate track record of such things and fast and pray for the nation. We have plenty of folks to man the legal and legislative posts but the real battle is in the spirit realm not the natural.
This is where fasting , continual prayer as we go about our days and proclaiming into the air what Gods word says is true to make the difference.
Yes, words spoken with Adonia's direction and anointing are the real power base but work in conjunction with law and order which includes bullets.
The innocent blood from Abortion that cries out from the ground against us is a huge factor in this battle and with the Supreme court we now have we may finally be able to put it away from our land and repent of this terrible evil that brings Gods judgement upon us.
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Re: The tide is turning

Post by TAA »

A nit but it might be Adonai.

This is a very interesting and insightful string of comments, thank you!

Can’t add much but vengeance and judgement is God’s alone. We can apply discernment but God does the judging and will respond to this on his timetable and in his way. We must keep praying for our leaders and asking for help to guide them. We might think it’s a lost cause for Schumer, Pelosi, Schiff, Nadler, Slawell, Biden, Harris, Klobuchar (crap, she’s my Senator), Booker, Blumenthal, Durbin, Coons, etc. but we must keep trying.

On another gun site I frequent you cannot utter the word faith or politics and if you do your post is scrubbed.

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Re: The tide is turning

Post by semtav »

I told the wife before the election, that if Trump doesnt win, it will be because someone upstairs doesn't want him to.
He had everything. Low unemployment , record stockmarket, most minorities that would vote for him.
The media tried but couldnt stop him. The democrats tried but couldnt stop him etc, etc.
It took a pandemic to change the tide, stopping most campaigning, allowing Biden to hide in his basement for most if the campaign, and changing how voting took place .
So im not worried. We just have to wait and see why. We may never know why in our lifetime, or it may become obvious in 2 years.
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Re: The tide is turning

Post by mdeland »

I'm enjoying the thoughts and discussion as well seeing as the subject directly effects us all and what we do and love. What I have always loved about Yeshua is how he related then and now to the common ordinary man preferring the company of crude fisherman to the elite.
I enjoy the fellowship of a church family but my real alter where I here him speak to me most often is when I'm bent over the vice with a file in my hand or over my lathe or mill cutting steel and working over a gun. I used to think that guns and God were like 10W40 motor oil floating on water and would never mix but he came to show me that I was actually doing what he created me to do and was the reason i had such a passion for it. He was delivering me from a religious, do- gooder spirit and loving me right where I was. He's exactly the same to us all if we will let him in.
I remember talking to him one day as I would a best friend ( the bible calls that prayer by the way) and telling him I was really going to get serious about changing some of the crap in my life that need worked on. I kept using the christian buzz word repent trying to impress him I guess when all of a sudden I heard a thought in my head that I knew from experience was him and he said "Mike why don't you just do what I tell you in the first place then you won't have to repent, repentance is plan "B" obedience is plan "A". I had to bust out laughing at how stupid I can be at times when the obvious seems so revelatory. :lol:
I never seem to hear from him when I get all religious minded but rather when I just approach with a grateful heart and want to talk things over.
His love is the real deal (jump on a grenade to save his buddy's love) not the Bull shit the world tries to sell us.I love Yeshua as my brother and then he grows on you and becomes your Lord and King . I will love him with all my being for all eternity cause he's worthy of it!
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Re: The tide is turning

Post by beltfed »

All I can say right now is :
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Re: The tide is turning

Post by mdeland »

I recall another of the many really neat encounters I have with him quite often and saying something like " Lord I know I'm a really rough and crud acting and talking follower of yours and I'm honestly trying to do and be better with your daily help". He ignored my description of myself and said, "do you think your any rougher than those fishermen I hung out with and disciple who became the apostles of the Torah"? Again I had to chuckle at the love ,plane talk and instruction I so desperately need from him.
He always has a way of getting us back on track without slapping us around abusively although he's not above a good whack up side the head (allegorically speaking) when we need it! :lol:
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Re: The tide is turning

Post by PEteacher »

AMEN to all of this!
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