Perfect Scores ?

This is where you can place your scores from the matches. It uses an excel spread sheet! If you send me your sheet of scores I can put it on the forum and provide a link where everyone can view it.

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Re: Perfect Scores ?

Post by RK45/70 »

I want to thank everyone who has taken the time to answer. I am now 75 & it's been several years since I was able to do any shooting so I lost touch with the Forum & the NRA so I am surprized that the NRA is having so many problems. Without going into too many details , can someone fill me in on what is happening now? Thanks again, RK.

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Re: Perfect Scores ?

Post by jackrabbit »

That will be tough, but basically LaPierre has turned into some kind of power hungry czar and made the NRA his personal toy. He is paid a huge salary, has a huge clothing expense that he bills to the NRA, and expects numerous other percs. Anyone that doesn't go along with him finds themselves jobless. The NRA has a huge board (76!) full of celebrities and wealthy people that are clueless and could careless about what the members want and Lapierre has full control of them. Large sums of money are funneled into the pockets of various "supporters" while the NRA's many great competitions and training programs starve to death. There was a bunch of turmoil a year or two ago and anyone that wasn't a dedicated Lapierre supporter resigned the board. Further, the NRA has spent millions and millions on lawyers on internal lawsuits that are basically over Lapierre not giving up any power. He will be 71 this year and well past his prime. He has filled the NRA with nothing except greed and corruption, squandered the hard earned money of it's members, and absolutely crapped on the original purpose and what should be one of the main focuses of the NRA; competition! The only hope of saving it is a resignation from Lapierre, and that ain't gonna happen. I would encourage everyone to investigate other gun rights organizations and continue to give as much as you comfortably can to them. Let the NRA wither until it's leaders change and the organization comes back into reality.
Just my thoughts,
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Re: Perfect Scores ?

Post by SSShooter »

Cody - you are pretty close on all that. Good response.
A couple of things to add are that the boys at the top started arguing and filing lawsuits as more of them "wanted in" on taking our money to line their pockets and who should get the most. That included law-firms, the production of the TV shows/videos and other "stuff" the NRA has its fingers in (any of you buying that Chinese crap the NRA is always selling in their magazines?).
Also, there are allegations that the portion of the NRA that functions as a PAC and runs under a different set of tax rules than the part that supports competitions & shooters, was taking money from the competitions/shooters portion of the NRA and not reporting same. Many 10s of $$millions.
All of this has lead the NY attorney general (NY is where the NRA has been chartered since its beginning), an avowed anti-gun person, to file various lawsuits including one to dissolve the NRA. Would be nice if she would get off this dissolution kick and simply go after lapierre and his cronies for their illegal misdeeds so the rest of us could get back to competitive shooting.
There are other stories (usually with some element of truth) about some of those high-up in the NRA have arrangements for matches being run at ranges they own and other such goings on.
The bankruptcy filing is simply a way for the NRA to try to get to a court in TX rather than one in NY as they view the TX court as much more friendly (likely so). However, as everything started well before the attempt to move to a TX court there is no guarantee that the NRA will succeed. In the end, it is only a paperwork thing and no NRA assets will move from VA to TX as a result, either way.
Mr. Garibay's BPTRA has pretty much taken over from the NRA on BP targeting shooting. Maybe BPCR shooters will have to do the same. The 22BPCRA seems to be doing just fine without the NRA. Our former club president has been of the opinion that the NRA really wants to get rid of the shooters and anything to do with it. But, we are about 4-million in number, so they are in a quandary on doing so.
Am guessing we'll be finding out more sooner than later on it all.
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Re: Perfect Scores ?

Post by RK45/70 »

I am sorry to hear this but I think this is another case of the leaders being in office to long then using their position for their own profit. Just like our Congress and that is why we need Term Limits, but of course that will never happen. :shock: RK.

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Glen Ring
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Re: Perfect Scores ?

Post by Glen Ring »

RK 4570
I think your idea of term limits is something we all think about and hope for.
The NRA has ran into problems with their Non-Profit status..and I've always wondered about that, just like the NFl, how in the heck did they get that?

The NRA is a really big organization and some of my contacts who worked for the NRA voiced concerns about how competitions could be much more efficient and about spending. I think transparency is something most folks will demand now and any organization will face the challenge of it's members for an accounting of what money was spent where...and I think there is nothing wrong with that . From my perspective, If I agree to pay an entree fee I have entered into a contract with the match director. I shoot that match for the agreed upon price , and I personally don't care what the money is spent on and who is paid what.

Some folks will and have asked for an accounting of entry fees and expenditures...and that's something they have a right to know.

The actual side that is involved in Legislative action is an unknown to me..but judging by lawsuits I guess they are still active.

Like any other organization that is involved with the political process, it takes money. Just look at the amounts of money that facebook threw at these elections. It's not right, but I guess it's where we are in America.."money talks and bullshit walks" is an old street saying and I think that may be true now..

One thing is still evident.. powerful liberals mention their #1 enemy is the NRA, the organization has a reputation and I hope they are able to maintain a level of proficiency in challenging bad gun laws.
We are in for some very interesting times for sure.
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Re: Perfect Scores ?

Post by sandhillcowboy1 »

The NRA is not perfect having said that think about where we as gun owners would be without the political actions they have taken over the years to help us keep our gun rights as we know them now. The NRA has long been a feared political opponent of gun control, ask any left wing liberal. Gun control advocates have a large backing in government, even more so now since the last elections. Just because millions of people own guns does not mean they will not put laws on the table to start to diminish our rights. You have to fight the battle politically to win. HR 127 is one such bill recently introduced to weaken the 2nd amendment. Now name how many pro gun rights advocacy groups have defeated as many anti gun bills as the NRA has over the years. I don't agree with everything the NRA does nor am I saying change doesn't need to be made. I am saying gun rights advocates had better stick together in these times or face consequences in the future.

Glen Ring
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Re: Perfect Scores ?

Post by Glen Ring »

45bpcr wrote: Sat Jan 16, 2021 3:14 pm by 45bpcr » Sat Jan 16, 2021 2:14 pm
Brian's 14 chicken score was never recognized by the NRA.
I was Match Director at Ridgway and watched him do it.
I submitted photocopies of the proper form to the NRA competitive division twice via snail mail and once via e-mail.


I'm willing to bet I still have it in a filing cabinet at one of my shops.
I told my kid to keep any Ridgway or NRA files, as we shred most customer paper info that's past a certain age.
I have to wonder if it will matter with the NRA in chapter11 and turmoil.
Graig...Jeanne and I looked in the NRA rule book and could not find a time limit on submittal of records. We both may have missed something, and if we did I'd love to know if there are time limits attached to submittal of records.

Jeanne had a few problems with a competitions division employee a few years ago...Very shortly after our concerns were voiced that employee became a free agent.
It's paid off for us when we check on something like that is to ask the employee's name and if they will be the one responsible for getting those records submitted. Aside from that one former employee, we have had no major issues.
Since you still have those records and you, as the match director,witnessed the shooting , maybe trying to submit that all again would work. Please keep us all informed as most of us are match directors and those are questions that need to be answered.

My e.mail is
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Glen Ring
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Re: Perfect Scores ?

Post by Glen Ring »

45bpcr wrote: ↑
Sat Jan 16, 2021 3:14 pm
by 45bpcr » Sat Jan 16, 2021 2:14 pm
Brian's 14 chicken score was never recognized by the NRA.
I was Match Director at Ridgway and watched him do it.
I submitted photocopies of the proper form to the NRA competitive division twice via snail mail and once via e-mail.


I'm willing to bet I still have it in a filing cabinet at one of my shops.
I told my kid to keep any Ridgway or NRA files, as we shred most customer paper info that's past a certain age.
I have to wonder if it will matter with the NRA in chapter11 and turmoil.

Craig..did you find those receipts/paperwork reference Brian's scores? We have some free time. If you can e-mail me the copy we will see what we can do.
There are those that talk, and those that act. Make a choice.
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