Big Bear

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Big Bear

Post by bulldog »

Always wondered why they called it Big Bear. Most of us just think of it as another washed out gully - out further west they call it a canyon - but to us it's a gully. You know, steep sides of clay and probably was a river once between the hills, now just a dry gull with sprigs of weeds and a few willow and cottonwood. Unless it rains hard and then it's a dangerous torrent that washes out even more and exposes the soil and washes the banks. Once saw a buffalo skeleton about 10 ft below the top of the gully after a big rain. Dang, I should have dug out the head, but it was 75 ft above me and 10 ft below the edge. Might have been a couple hundred years old or even maybe thousands! Anyway, this here area is called Big Bear by the natives that remember. Remember what their grandfather's told them about this area. Me and the dog walk this gully - just like we walk others. I carry the Sharps and maybe 10lb of ammo. Don't want to be caught short. Iffin I get trapped I want to have the firepower to work our way out. Course this gully s got side gullys just similar but to the side extending for miles and those gullys also got side gullys, so's without a good sense of direction or on clouded days one could get kinda lost, esp if a blizzard crops up as hapens often. What's interesting about these here gullys is that often enough you'll come across some tracks. I'ma talking big bear tracks! Otherwise I wouldn't be talking at all as I assume you all seen coyote and bob cats and such about the size of a soup bowl. Now, Image a track the size of a serving plate. I mean the one they stick the turkey on, not a dinner plate. See these pretty often. Funny thing is, can't never catch up to them hardly. One problem is that which you guys in acoustics are aware of which is that a tiny sound travels a gully in a magnified form so's that 1/2 mile off your feetsteps are heard by any animal. But.. you can't hear them! This means you can be ambushed or outrun quite easily and since you don't know which will bwe which you got to make your way along with stealth and a good dog too. No way to walk the top for you guys thinking that as just how you going to get across when the BB (big bear) takes the side gully? Anyway, we hunt and hunt and I know you think you could do better - tell you what - come on up and try it out! Course nobody around Killdeer going to let on bout where to go exactly so just check your topo maps and for sure don't wander onto the reservation as they still been known to silently dispatch the unwary hunter they consider a poacher. Hey, that's how Sharps around here end up bartered second hand if you know what I mean. Oh, yeah, bring your dog but not if he ain't bear wise.
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SD bear....

Post by MRW »

bull dog, really enjoyed your SD hunting story. Just curious if you are seeing black bear tracks? Is this area the bad lands that you hunt? Must be fascinating country. I like to roam the woods myself here in N. CA. There is a large population of black bears here in the Trinitiy country.
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Probably too long

Post by bulldog »

All I can say is I don't know where the darn dog gone to. I suppose shes going to have to wait for the smell to dissipate before she can find his way back. You'd think shed know better than to try to grab a skunk by the tail. Slow learner. Arn't we all now and then! This ain't a leash dog and never was so suppose is my fault sort of. I just let her run and sniff and such just like coon dogs like to do back and forth, etc. Only she's trained as a bear dog meaning I'm hoping she'll point when one is near or up ahead as that's what we usually go after if intentions mean anything. Most the time she runs way up ahead and then back and forth coming back. This has the advantage of chasing rabbits out and towards me but I usually can't shoot for fear of hittin her who is on their rears real close but not close enought to grab them. Sos, I got a rabbit and dog headed right at me usually. With the 50 I bet I could just shoot the ground somewhere in front of the rabbit and get it but don't want to get the dog too. Besides, I don't eat rabbit and she's a vegitarian - eats grass and dog biscuits whch as you know are made of corn and cotton seed and never seen an animal. Maybe they got bones too but in my mind she's still a vegitrian. I don't know why she likes to chase things but she does. You ought to see her race after them roosters - she just likes the commotion. Anyway, after the skunk got her and she got thru rubbing on the sage brush I'll be darn if a sage hen didn't pop up and off she went down the gully. After an hour I turned backs so I could make this report and get home before dark. Also, the dang mud was sticky and it was hard to slug thru that clay bottom. I thought by now it dried up but no, still lots of it in the bottoms. What's interesting is all the darn tracks and so its understandable how there can be even dinosauer tracks if they fill up with sand or something and get covered and harden. Some tracks around here are actually thousands of years orld. Some are even millions, they say. Sometimes a gully washer will uncover some like big birds. I hear they got them in Texas too somewhere in a river bed or river bank thats dinosaurs as big as a three story building.. Anyway, I made it back and shes still chasing grouse.
I should mention I turned on the tv while cleaning the gun (shot at one rock)and sure enough theres a tv preacher wanting my money agian. I got to admit I used to like Jim and Tammy Baker and I think they got framed but also I had more sense than to send them money although they almost convinced me one time that if I gave them everything I didn't need I'd get what I did need. The thing is, I needed money so I could'nt make sense of giving them money so I'd get it back but believe it or not some people gave them $1000 or more as I recall. Well, this here preacher today only wanted a love gift of $20 or more because he figured out the Bible prophesy. He's quite sure Russia is gettin ready to attack Israel so they can get the oil before we do. He thinks the Arabs are in cahoots with the commujhnists as in the book of Daniel he saw a red star fall and arabic writing on a wall or something. Therefore we should all send him money for his ministry. Because of computers I put his name in Google and found out he made personally over 1 million last year in salary as ceo of his ministry.. Didn't say if he shot BP but he only works preaching 16 hours a week which isn't a bad salary. He travels most of the time. Well, I won't say his name as you can look yourself on the tv and maybe I didn't watch close enough to get the whole story. Google says 99million people watch his show. Lord help us for sure if this is what he says all the time! Oh, yeah, I used to like Oral Roberts too but sometimes he had some strange visions. Had a good basket ball team. I know this is long so will keep is short next time but no use reporting unless we get something.
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Dog is back

Post by bulldog »

Looks like she rolled in axel grease and is covered with Russian thistle burrs. Ate 5 lbs of kennel rations. With winter coming on we was getting worried. Good to have her back.
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Post by Trigger Dr »

Funny that you mention Jim and Tammie Baker... I just read where they now have personalized license plates on their cars... His.... REPENT, Hers ..... REPAINT
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Repent and repaint

Post by bulldog »

Repaint - yup, she was quite the fluzzy! Repent - well, he's still dealing with that.Really, I sort of liked Jim and Tammy Baker. Sort of a tragic story how they rose and fell. I never donated but I think I received some graces from their show. Lots of laughs too! My, could she cry on a dime! Anyway, I did read his book called I Was Wrong in which he mostly shows how he was right and I believe really he wasn't the criminal he got jail time for. 5 years for selling too many time shares to his Christian Theme Park? Com'on, get real. ( how about this administration and it's deals!!!)He got taken down by other jealous TV preachers who envied his millions of listeners (and mainly, donations). All I can say is that some of these guys are good talkers and some are scriptural too. However, the devil gets in there and appeals to their pride and other things and they really fall. All I can say is listen to them but don't donate and don't believe half they say as they all seem to get crazy ideas. The thing is, the Bible is a big book and if you only listen to part of it you get yourself in trouble. Besides that, I knew a gal, real nice and upright gal too, who thought only the King James version was the truth. She couldn't understand that the King James version was a johnny come lately and written in part to give emphasis to ideas that King James wanted emphasized for himself. Apologies to King James prefers. Therefore she wouldn't believe anything that a non King James Bible Believing Christian said. So, her kids couldn't go out or date and couldn't watch tv, etc. Probably not a bad policy actually, but not sure it held up over time. Actually I hope it did but kids will usually take a drink and other risks and then they fall hard too. Better to expose them to the world a bit at the time then to ban everything until they break loose. If a winter storm hadn't hit and I'm homebound I wouldn't be so lengthy. Anyway, what do you do while the cases is spinning in the tumbler? - got to go as the hamster is getting hungry again. I hope this doesn't take up too much computer space just to comment on repent and repaint. Jim, I think you made that up!
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