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Post by IronSight »

Good to see at least a few people on this board are concerned about their vision health. I'm gonna try like hell to keep a scope off my BP rifles.

The supplements i've been taking are ICaps, 60 tablets for about $8. The recommended dosage is 2 per day, but i take one in the morning with the bilberry and blend it all up with orange or grape juice and 1 Stress tablet w/zinc in the evening which contains no A. Your correct, its possible to OD with certain vitamins and vitamin A is one of them if i'm not mistaken or is it vitamin D ?, maybe someone can clear it up. I read somewhere the water soluble vitamins like B C are hard to overdose on especially if one is a beer drinker (would be me) or drinks a lot of other liquids.
One ICap tablet contains 132% daily requirement of A but some of the others like E are in the 500's%. In the future i plan to take one ICap, augmented with lutein and bilberry. Been doing a little research and this lutein is some amazing stuff, its found in the retina and needs to be replenished and it also keeps blood vessels healthy. I personally would be leary of any supplements that are in the thousands% daily requirement.

I've been interested in the eye exercises myself, but it seems all the websites so far want $$. Let me know if you find that website again. I think there might be something to it. As i mentioned, i've not been wearing my glasses while doing detail work or when i'm on the PC. One of the sites i found did say something about the eye muscles getting lazy from a dependance on perscription lenses.
Haverde Warner
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Post by Haverde Warner »

I am a pharmacist in Texas with 25+ (too plus!) years of experience, a practice specialized in compounding and nutritional supplements, and a DNM (doctorate in natural medicine). I don't have a bottle of Optim 3 in front of me, but let me assure you that you won't "overdose" at their suggested dosages. Simply put, our government-approved RDA's are absurdly low-and based on observed pathological conditions up through the first half of the last century, with zilch attention given to the biochemical and human metabolic knowledge we've gained since. A study published in the Journal of Clinical Nutrition recently (based on 8000 people) stated that fewer than 10% got their ridiculously low RDA of Vitamin E daily-mostly from pastries and salad dressing. To OD on Vitamin A (fat soluble, and therefore stored), you'd have to supplement with at least 25,000IU daily for weeks or months. I could go on and on, but I'll just say-take your vitamins, boys-you need 'em. PM me if you want some suggestions.
Todd Birch
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Benefits of Lutein Supplements

Post by Todd Birch »

I'm satisfied that the Lutein content of a daily Multiple vitamin I take has a beneficial effect on my eyesight based on a recent examination.

Mind you, I also eat well (that is to say, wisely) and exercise - a lot!

Giving in to the vagaries of old age and using age as an excuse for not doing things within your limitations is just that, an excuse.

I recently spent four days hiking in rugged mountain country. This is the terrain of mountain goats and I saw them close up several times.

One day I encountered 6 very fit looking middle aged women and the next day, a party of very proper ladies in their 70's! Some had been coming back to this region for 10 years.
These old dolls looked downright fragile but I'm here to tell you they could walk the legs off you!

Living proof that you are as old and infirm as you want to be.

"From birth to the packing house, we travel between the two eternities ....." Robert Duvall in "Broken Trail"
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Post by gmartin »

IronSight, others,
Thank you for the feed back. I printed out your dosages and routine and it is not forgotton. I decided to indeed take one of 4 recommended capsules of Optim 3, as I truly do eat veggies and fruits with every real meal, and am leery still of the full dosage. Bilberry is interesting, I will do more research on that being locally available. On a parallel with lazy eyes from prescription lenses, it is said that the same phenomena occurs for us who tie flies using magnification, it must be so, as I have a hard time tying giant Woolly Buggers with out it even, and it didn't used to be so.
Haverde, that was great information that is also in my file. Your brief discussion on the Govt. RDA's was enlightening. Why I wonder do you never hear of this on the news magazines? I will consult my own Dr. as to a full dosage of Optim 3 in combination with other meds. I am very interested in preventing macular degeneration most of all.
As Todd suggests, a lifestyle intelligently led with the health information available now, tailored to our own unique personal disciplines may be the wisest defence for a variety of maldies.
Thanks, Gregg
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